Dr. Elaine Rose

My Story

Elaine and Sadie, 2022

Some health scares and challenges of a few years back were a wake-up call for me. I had been high energy all my life. As an RN I worked full-time, continued my education, and had a grown family. Suddenly, I was tired all the time. No matter how much I slept, I felt exhausted.

My time in the gym became more difficult, I felt like I was going backward. Rather than getting stronger and having more energy I was becoming more tired and needed longer to recover from basic workouts. Though it took several years, eventually the doctors diagnosed me with an autoimmune disease. That was just the beginning.

Over the next several years I had to leave my job as an assistant professor of nursing because I couldn’t work enough hours. I continued to feel generally unwell. I was fatigued, and my body hurt. Some symptoms were relieved with the removal of my gallbladder. Unfortunately, I developed pancreatitis post-op. As I began losing weight, I was both delighted and worried. I was overweight and could afford to lose many pounds, but I wasn’t trying. A few bites and I was full. Eventually, the removal of a seven-pound, cancerous spleen left me feeling better.

Feeling better was short-lived. Within two months, I began feeling unwell once again. Following some bloodwork, I was called by two of my doctors and told to get to the hospital. My health deteriorated dramatically within about 24 hours of hospital admission. I thought I was dying and so did my husband and he called the kids to come.

My hospital care was excellent, but it took over a week to get a diagnosis: I had a second cancer. I am now cancer-free; I’m getting a handle on both of my autoimmune diseases (I was diagnosed with a second autoimmune disease shortly after completing chemotherapy).

I had always told myself I would sleep when I died, and until then I would do as much as possible. That wasn’t happening. My body was not cooperating with what I wanted my life to be. That was a wake-up call for me. I hadn’t been that frightened since my baby girl was born three months premature in 1967 (she is a healthy woman today). I have learned that if we don’t schedule and take breaks our body and mind will decide for us, and it might not be at a convenient time.

I now know I am not invincible. Working out isn’t all that is needed to be healthy. I realized that basic self-care: nutrition, rest, activity, social support network, and spirituality were all important. As I explored my spirituality, I began doing regular meditation with a spiritual guide, did mindfulness exercises, and investigated and played with essential oils, crystals, and several holistic methods to improve my health: I have been impressed with the results. I am now in better health than I have been for over 10 years. My journey continues, there is still room for major improvements.

I am retired from nursing and teaching. But the idea of doing nothing doesn’t fit for me. Thus, blogging, social media posts, and some life and leadership coaching have kept me busy. Afterall, I had just completed a doctoral degree in organizational management in leadership when I became ill. HeartMath(TM) has been the foundation of my journey, but I have gone beyond.

My passion and calling direct me to be of service and to share my experiences, wisdom, and practices. I am passionate about guiding others to achieve the most beautiful life possible.

My knowledge and experience are available to you. Using #HeartMath (TM) Techniques, #Leadership skills, Health Knowledge, #Aromatherapy, #Universal Laws, Personal Awareness, and numerous skills learned from an exciting life will support us as we discover our hidden abilities and talents. We all deserve a beautiful life filled with health, love, kindness, respect, and peace. I look forward to chatting with you to create your beautiful life.

If you are seeking something or just want to share your story – let’s talk. I have a feeling we can help each other be our authentic, joyful, blissful selves.

As a lifelong learner, I will continue to share my experiences and stories. I invite you to share yours with me and others. Just add some comments in the comment section of any of my blogs. Or message me to have a personal chat.

Join me on a journey to a fun, beautiful life filled with joy and calm.

Let’s Talk at a time that suits you.

Email me at: drelaine@drelaineleadership.

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