I am a Certified HeartMath® Trainer and Coach.
I have been using HeartMath techniques and technologies, with positive benefits, since 2015. My practice has helped me reduce the stress I feel, allowed me to sleep much better, and helps me be in a positive frame of mind. I often use the HeartMath® techniques in conjunction with meditation & yoga, I find all three beneficial. I encourage others to learn and practice to build a more successful and fulfilling life. The HeartMath system has an impressive set of skills for building resilience capacity and reducing stress reactions. Consistent practice also helps boost energy, and restore mental, physical, and emotional balance.
To learn more about the HeartMath system check out the following 90-minute video. https://www.heartmath.org/resources/videos/heartmath-experience
Stress Check List by HeartMath®. Find out what areas you would like to develop.
Do you have too much stress? Everyone responds to stress differently. Use this checklist below to assess the effect stress is having on your life. If you see yourself falling into the high-stress category, call me right away. However, any stress can have ongoing effects on you, so no matter what stress you might be experiencing, let’s talk.
Low-stress levels
I feel well
I am able to relax
Physical recreation brings me pleasure
Increasing pressure enhances my performance
My thinking is clear and I learn easily
I am able to say “No”
Others see me as adaptable and approachable
Others see me as energized and successful
Moderate stress levels
I feel driven, hyperactive, and restless
I tend to make snap decisions but with errors
I feel over-burdened but can still say “No”
I often feel tired but am taking steps to recover
I often try to squeeze a few extra drops out of my performance
Discipline, fitness, social pressure and stimulants play a greater role in my ability to perform
My sleep is just about adequate
Others see me as tired yet successful
High-stress levels
I don’t think as clearly as I used to
I feel irritable and “on edge”
I complain and grumble regularly
I work longer hours but get less done
I have repeated minor ailments, aches, and pains
I am exhausted, have poor endurance and my work/life balance is suffering
I am unable to distinguish the essential from non-essential
I have sleep problems
I feel like I’m l operating in survival mode
I accept excessive burdens and see them as inevitable
Contact your HeartMath® Certified Trainer or Coach/Mentor for more information
Elaine Rose: email – drelaine@drelaineleadership.coach
Book a 30 minute ‘get to know each other‘ ZOOM meeting at
or contact me via email at
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