Basil – Renewal
I’ve slipped the last while and haven’t been doing my meditations, focused breathing, and exercise as regularly as I know is good for me. Sure, I have had a reason, I’ve been feeling physically and mentally exhausted. As a result, I was getting frustrated, easily annoyed, without focus, and having difficulty concentrating. Today I decided it was time to get back on track and to help me do that I would write something to share about the importance of focused breathing – what it can do for us physically, mentally, and emotionally.
As I was reading some articles online, I became distracted and reached for one of my essential oils. Not looking at the label prior to picking up an oil I was surprised to see I had chosen Basil. Hmm – I thought I had put it with the other oils I use for cooking. Not being able to remember what Basil essential oil is all about I figured – better look it up. Here is what I found
“The symptoms of adrenal exhaustion help identify the main moods that are improved with Basil, primarily fatigue, low energy, being overwhelmed, and the inability to cope with life’s stressors.” (www.essentialemotions.com).
The last few weeks have been especially rough for me and have included an episode of insomnia and an increased sense of panic. I was surprised to read that Basil oil might “restore the body to its natural rhythms of sleep, activity, and rest.” (www.essentialemotions.com). Well, if this doesn’t sound like just what I need. A bit of synchronicity, in my mind, and a reminder to pay attention to what is happening and what I want and need.
Synchronicity Definition: “In psychology, synchronicity is defined as the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no cause; that is, the coincidences are acausal.”