You Can Get What You Want

woman surrounded by sunflowers
Photo by Andre Furtado on

Unlike what The Rolling Stones said – you can get what you want – or at least you can get what you need. And remember, be careful about what you want because you just might get it.

You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime, you’ll find
You get what you need

The Rolling Stones

Do you have the life you want?  Are you happy?  Then don’t bother to read any further.

No one needs to change.  We are each perfect the way we are right now.  However, sometimes we feel there is something we would like to change about our lives.  These changes could be related to our home, our work, our relationships, our health, or pretty much anything that we experience.  We decide what we want; we can change or stay the same; the choice is ours.  If you don’t like something about your life, consider changing.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Possibly by Albert Einstein

Most of us know what needs to change to get what we want.  But for some reason we don’t make those changes.  Remember, you choose.  The big question is why.  I don’t have the answer, but I have several questions.

  • What do I want and why?
  • What do I need to start doing, stop doing, or keep doing?
  • Where can I get help and support to make these changes?
  • Where do I start?

The choice is yours, but if you want some guidance answering those questions give me a shout. I can’t answer them for you, but I can provide you with a more in-depth examination of each of them. 

When you decide to change because you know it is the right thing for you, you will succeed.

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