What is Next? What 2024 Holds

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What will 2024 hold for you? Will you leave it up to chance and go with the flow, not making any plans, not setting any intentions or will you make resolutions, set a vision, establish goals?

My coach, Claire Bjerkan shared her thoughts on establishing your vision rather than making resolutions. I concur with Claire. I have stayed away from resolutions for many years. And though the start of a new year is an opportune time to make resolutions, set goals and intentions, it does not have to be the only time.  We can set our vision and intentions at any time: our birthday, a new or full moon, the solstices, or equinoxes, or any time you choose.

Throughout the year I evaluate and re-evaluate what is working in my life and what I want to change. In the past I have identified goals for what I wanted to achieve. They have worked well for me. But I have adjusted my thinking the past couple of years. Now I tend to have intentions that I am working toward fulfilling. I might be splitting hairs with my word change, but it works for me.

If you read my blogs and posts you might remember that I am big on identifying values and aligning one’s vision, mission, actions, and intentions with their values. As I was having coffee this morning I was reflecting on my values – family, friends, health, and I got thinking I was missing valuing myself. Valuing health is valuing self, but I don’t think it goes far enough. When we value something, it behooves us to ask “why.” Why is health important? Why are family and friends important? Why would it be important to value oneself?

I was reminded earlier today that there are things to let go. My mom raised me to “do,” to not be lazy. I have worked a full life but have found myself feeling I need to be doing something. I am now wondering if I need to be “doing”. I have encouraged others to spend time being. Now it is time to take my own advice. That doesn’t mean I will stop doing things I enjoy. But I have enough pension to live comfortably and do what I enjoy doing. I can write, speak, paint, garden, embrace my inner witch, exploring essential oils and creating my own concoctions, I can meditate, and learn more about the quantum world. I have a wide variety of interests I enjoy exploring and sometimes I just want to curl up and read or watch tv – it is ok.

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Photo by Merlin Lightpainting on Pexels.com

I love coaching and helping others, guiding people to have a joyous, beautiful, healthy life and I remain open to those who seek me out. But I am not a salesperson, and I don’t like marketing – it just feels ungenuine to me – and I don’t think I have ever gotten it quite right. Furthermore, I don’t want to work that hard.

My word for this year is Blossom. I will blossom and as I do, I will share what I learn and do in hope that others will benefit from what I discover.

Wishing everyone a joyous, healthy, happy, and peaceful year.

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