What Will You Do and Be in 2025

photography of fireworks display
Photo by DreamSky on Pexels.com

It is 2025! 2024 has wrapped up. I hope you will shine brightly and live each moment to the fullest. I intend to make it the best year ever.

white and red house surrounded by trees at night
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

I have taken time to reflect.  I received guidance reminding me of the importance of reflecting and being aware of what has happened this year and what it means.

The events and awakenings of the past year remind me of the interconnectedness of all things. Nothing happens in isolation. Though there have been difficulties to overcome I am reminded that overcoming these difficulties has given me a greater understanding of myself. I have repeatedly been reminded not to forgo my meditation and spiritual development, and to remain open to learning from others by listening to understand. How else will I learn and develop as a human being and better understand myself and others? As I strive to be of service I am also reminded “When you are full and overflowing, you have more energy and resources to share with others.” (Kyle Gray, The Divine Masters).

spider web selective focus photography
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Everything and everyone are connected, as one. Each action I take leads to my next step. As I continue on this path of meditation, spiritual development, and learning I am creating my destiny. I am not letting my destiny be decided by chance or by others. I decide who I will be and what I will do.

Wishing my family, friends, acquaintances, and readers all the best in 2025. Reach out if you want to discuss how to make this your best year yet.

Happy New Year!!

Living with Autoimmune Disease: Part 3

Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Healthcare

hands inserting needles on the person s back
Photo by Alma Thai on Pexels.com

Learning to cope with an autoimmune disease(s) or other chronic illness can certainly add to a person’s stress – just what someone experiencing any illness does not need.  My number one recommendation is to be gentle with yourself.  You don’t have to figure everything out overnight.  There is a lot to learn.

I am quite well versed in Western medicine having worked as an RN for many years.  However, I am, and have always been, open to Complementary and Alternative healthcare.  I recommend you thoroughly research anything you want to try before embarking on a specific journey.  And remember – ‘do no harm’ – to yourself, anyone else, or the environment!!  Don’t get sucked in by anyone or anything that might cause harm; be discerning. If it seems too good to be true – well, you know the rest of that saying.

 To learn a bit more about Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Healthcare and how they are different and how they can work together check out what the National Institute for Health has to say.

Complementary Ideas for Living with Autoimmune Disease


One of the things important for everyone throughout their life is exercise, or as I now prefer to say ‘activity’.  I found being active became extremely difficult with autoimmune disease.  Before I was diagnosed I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was going on with my body.  I have always enjoyed going to the gym and working out.  But it had gotten increasingly difficult, and I had trouble recovering from a simple, basic workout in time for my next session two or three days later.  One day I showed up at the gym and my personal trainer said “No, you can’t work out, you obviously have not recovered from your last workout.” So, it wasn’t just me being a wimp.  For the first time in my life, I got nauseated and vomited during workouts.  These workouts were not particularly strenuous, so my trainer and I were dumbfounded.  Once I had my diagnosis it all made sense.  However, I still had trouble learning to cope with my limited ability. 

Be gentle with yourself!! I know this now.  It has taken me more than 10 years to catch on to going slowly with exercise and activity programs.  Doing five minutes of exercise didn’t seem worthwhile, but that is where some people (me) need to start so they can progress to more.  What kind of activity depends on you and what you enjoy and can do.  Swimming is highly recommended, but I can’t swim, so it is not for me. Walking is an excellent activity as is yoga.  I enjoy gardening, a great activity that also gets you outside.  I must be careful though as I get carried away and often do more than is good for me for one stretch and then pay the price with several days of recovery. 

Find what you enjoy and embrace it with enthusiasm and moderation.


We have learned that stress can be hard on our immune system and sometimes will trigger a flare-up.  Learning to deal with stress is important, but not always easy.  First, we don’t always recognize what is causing us stress.  I’ve previously mentioned the HeartMath(TM)  Depletion to Renewal Grid(R).  It is an excellent tool to guide you to find and name your stressors.  What will you do to help you decrease and cope with your stress? 

Meditation is often recommended and works well.  Some people find meditation difficult, so we need to think of a few other alternatives.  Personally, I prefer guided meditation to help me keep my focus.  I know I can interrupt the intrusive thoughts by acknowledging them, thanking them for the reminder, but saying goodbye for now as it is not the right time because I am meditating.  I received this message recently; meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting with your eyes closed but can be one of these activities.

blonde with eyes closed in park
Photo by Avery Arwood on Pexels.com

Breathwork is something I recommend and have been doing for years. One possibility is HeartMath(TM)  Heart-Focused Breathing(R). There are numerous breathwork sites online to guide you.  I found this one from the Cleveland Clinic and it gives a good background of the benefits of breathwork and explanations for several options.  

The right yoga can also be relaxing.  Find a program that works for you.  There are numerous classes available for you; in-person, online, YouTube, or on tv.  Some people are well-enough versed in yoga they can do it on their own.

Spending time outdoors can relax and help calm monkey-mind, and you get a bit of fresh air.  Some autoimmune diseases, or the medications you take for them, can make you sensitive to the sun, so be careful.  The outdoors is often a place for spiritual practices and can be quite relaxing for many people.  Take time to find what works for you.  If possible, cut a few stressors in your life.

                Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

purple flowers beside clear glass bottle
Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

I enjoy using essential oils and aromatherapy.  I love a variety of scents and have long found many of them to be calming.  I first used eucalyptus years ago for my recurrent upper respiratory infections.  Lavender is another oil I have used for years at bedtime.  But I have discovered so many more.  I now have a wide array of oils I use daily.  I use several oils daily to help me relax, to boost my mood or energy, and others to help ease my physical pain.  Of course, there are other oils I use solely because I like the smell.  I’d be delighted to guide you in choosing oils for your needs (I’m a certified aromatherapy practitioner) with no obligation.

I recently intended to order DoTerra’s Serenity Oil, but inadvertently ordered the capsules.  I don’t routinely take anything to help me sleep and often have trouble falling to sleep because of my restless legs or peripheral neuropathy.  I gave the capsules a try and found they worked beautifully.  In the meantime, I have ordered the Serenity Oil to try.


I’ve been keenly interested in neuroplasticity for several years.  Check out the blog I wrote a while ago Neuroplasticity, Development, Leadership: Do They go Together? Some things to think about: Can neuroplasticity help overcome, heal, or better cope with autoimmune disease and chronic illness?  I have included a couple of links for you to check out.  It is a wide-ranging topic.



Neuroplasticity and Autoimmune Disease – MS

Neuroplasticity use has been researched for potential use in those with Muscular Dystrophy, one autoimmune disease. The following article has some information that you might find interesting.


Neural Stimulation for Autoimmune Diseases

Find out more about how neural stimulation might be helpful. As I read and search, I am encouraged by the research being done. Stay curious.

Wrapping Up

blue white ribbon on pink box
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Being challenged with an autoimmune disease or any chronic illness might have left you feeling defeated, frustrated, angry, or not in control of your life.  That is ok.  However, you are in control.  Take time to mourn what you have lost, and then you can move on with your life.  There are numerous options for you.  You do not have to be alone on your journey.  My intention is not to gather clients, but to be available to help find what works for you.  Give me a shout. Stay curious. Most important for all of us is self-care. Be gentle with yourself, have compassion for yourself

** UPDATE – Today I received an email informing me that the name of one autoimmune disease has been updated from Sjogren’s Syndrome to Sjogren’s Disease. To learn more about why this is important and more about Sjogren’s check out this link: https://sjogrens.org/blog/2024/language-matters-the-international-sjogrens-community-changes-sjogrens-syndrome-to

Health and Well-Being with Essential Oils

purple petal flowers focus photograph
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I’ve been enjoying my essential oils more than ever lately. I have gotten more in tune with my body, my emotions, and my spirit. I have embraced personal growth and development as long as I can remember and at 74 years, I find I have barely scratched the surface. I have been cancer free for several years and though I do have some autoimmune diseases that certainly get me down from time-to-time, my health is overall good, but of course, it could be better. I’ve recently revived my Wii for a fitness program.

I would love to discuss how you can use oils to improve your well-being. In the meantime, I invite you to take a look at Julie Evans’ presentation. Why should I redo what she has done such an awesome job of doing. She is in Britain; I am in Canada so there might be minor differences and of course in Canada we will pay with Canadian dollars. I can help you access the oils you want from doTerra. Please connect and let’s make your life the beautiful life you deserve.

DoTerra Essential Oils: Health and Well-being the Natural Way by Julie Evans

Essential Oils for Beginners

two clear glass bottles with liquids
Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

As I have mentioned in other information, I have used some essential oils for more years than I can remember. I have always done my best to use products that do as little harm as possible to me and to our earth and universe. Using natural products is one way to do that, though that doesn’t mean because it is natural it is safe in every way. Remember, too much oxygen can be harmful as can too much water – yet we know these are basics to our survival.

I love scents, especially natural scents – flowers, the forest, and the smell of the ocean.

I have been using DoTerra products for over a year now and have enjoyed them and believe they have provided some health benefits. One thing I know for sure – when I inhale some of my favourite scents I am immediately lifted up – whether I was down or not. Below is a link to some information about #Essential Oils. This link gives you some basic information if you are considering the use of essential oils.

I would love to discuss the use of oils to improve your health – all areas – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, or just as a booster to joy and happiness. Please email to: drelaine@drelaineleadership.coach and we can arrange a time to chat.

Essential Oils for Beginners from DoTerra

Making Life Beautiful

by Claire Louise Bjerkan

My dear friend, Claire wrote this beautiful message. I am pleased she has given me permission to share. When I took part in one of her programs she shared her ideas about values – an awakening for me. I hope you enjoy her message as much as I have & re-examine your values – what lights up your life?

This is a really big driving force in my life, one of my sacred values is Beauty and actually many of the women I work with also share this value.

Our core values are those invisible forces that drive our lives.

When I guide women to their beautiful life of joy, radiance and abundance we spend a lot of time looking at values, I mean REALLY looking and not just choosing words from a list that sound good.

So many people believe their values are things like “honesty, integrity, hard work, accountability,” etc BUT I see these more as characteristics of most decent people. After all, who would ever say that they are not honest?

Sacred Core Values go deeper, they are not just characteristics, they are feelings, emotions, forces that help you step into alignment and live in energies of authenticity, joy and well-being.

When you live in these energies, you manifest beautiful matches from the Universe and that is how you create your beautiful life.

The Game of Life is one of Attraction not Chase, but it does take guidance and courage to be consistent with this approach, especially in a world that encourages us to feel never enough and tries to keep us locked in fear.

It also takes courage, belief and trust to step back, relax and just be rather than go go go, which is so often a mask for lack of self worth, belief and trust.

I spent as much time as I could in the garden yesterday, tuning into the earth and recalibrating my energy and I saw this beautiful little plant which had managed to grow through my stone wall.

🤍My home and garden is my Living Vision Board🤍

“Woodruff” A Sacred Herb used to line Christ’s manger.

You see the more you tune into Beauty, the more you attract Beauty.

Do you really know who you are, what you desire and how you want your life to feel like, look and be?

When we don’t we randomly manifest all sorts of things into our lives that consistently match our vibration

If you desire beauty, focus on feeling beauty energetically

If you desire abundance, allow yourself to feel abundant

If you desire love, be that love.

It all starts within us……

MY NEW PROGRAM to guide you to a life that you love is coming soon………..


Claire. x

A New Habit in 21 Days

Can You Really Form a New Habit in 21 Days?

We have been told repeatedly that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If this is true, then when we follow a diet for 21 days, we should be right on track to keeping our new eating habits. When we exercise 3-4 times per week for 3 weeks, we have it made in the shade to stay in shape. Obviously, this is not true. Twenty-one days might be a good start, but it is not the way reality works.

paper calendar with months and days in sunbeam
Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels.com

I believe we can retrain our brain. But it takes ongoing work. There are studies now that suggest different activities take different amounts of time to establish as a habit. One study suggests that exercising 4 times per week for 6 weeks is required to establish an exercise habit. I regularly exercised a minimum of 4 times per week for years, yet that fell away for reasons I haven’t yet figured out – maybe moving to a new city & starting a new job had something to do with the changes – but that sounds like an excuse. I imagine many of us have such experiences. So how long does it really take and what causes us to slip back into old habits, or new not so good habits?

We know we must keep doing things like brushing our teeth – we can’t do it once and expect to have healthy teeth and gums. I look at athletes and am reminded that they continue to train and practice the basic skills. Hockey players keep skating and practice shooting the puck, golfers continue to practice driving and putting, and gymnasts continue to work on basic skills to keep their flexibility and strength. This makes me think that there is more to forming and keeping habits than just doing so for a specific amount of time.

person balancing on balance beam
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Obviously, there is more to forming new habits than maintaining the change we want for 21 days. I think we need to consider motivation, enjoyment, ease, pain vs pleasure, other life activities, and maybe most important (though I’m not sure of this) do we really want the change? What else is going on in our subconscious that might be keeping us from succeeding and continuing the new activity we think we want?

There are lots of strategies to help us form a new practice. Connecting a new practice with something you enjoy can sometimes help: I can only play a game after I have exercised for 20 minutes is an example of one way to try to develop a new habit. Well at least that gets us started, but does the new habit really get formed? How does the habit we want become second nature?

A bit of the science behind training our brains. “Neural pathways, comprised of neurons connected by dendrites, are created in the brain based on our habits and behaviors.” Further in the article, Deann Ware, Ph.D., shared

[W]hen brain cells communicate frequently, the connection between them strengthens and ‘the messages that travel the same pathway in the brain over and over begin to transmit faster and faster’. With enough repetition, these behaviors become automatic. Reading, driving, riding a bike are examples of complicated behaviors that we do automatically because neural pathways have been formed.

(Dr. Deann Ware, Ph.D. https://healthtransformer.co/the-neuroscience-of-behavior-change-bcb567fa83c1)

According to this same article it takes between 3 and 6 months for a new behaviour to become a habit. And just because we have formed new neural pathways doesn’t mean that we have those habits forever. Repetition seems to be the key. So, my understanding, if we quit practicing we form other pathways – you choose.

an artist s illustration of artificial intelligence ai this image depicts how ai can help humans to understand the complexity of biology it was created by artist khyati trehan as part
Photo by Google DeepMind on Pexels.com

To form new neural pathways takes approximately 10,000 repetitions or 3 months of practice. Keeping this in mind, I think we can toss aside all the programs that are 21 days. Though 21 days might be a good start, and if you are successful for 21 days you definitely deserve a reward and I encourage you to celebrate your accomplishment as you have done amazing.  I also wonder if it takes everyone the same amount of time, and can new neural pathways always be formed? So many questions.

Oh, so much for us to think about. There is always room for personal development so remain curious and keep asking questions.


On Guard: Essential Oil

On Guard has become my essential oil of choice, day in and day out. Its robust and invigorating blend is not just an aroma—it’s an experience. With its sophisticated fusion of Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary, doTERRA has mastered the art of comfort and serenity in a bottle. The fiery zest and sweet undertones of this oil cocoon me with a profound sense of warmth, grounding, and undisturbed peace. On Guard isn’t merely an oil—it’s a sensory powerhouse that captivates and soothes with every breath. There are several On Guard products for you to check with numerous uses.

close up of cloves scattered on gray surface
Photo by Irina P on Pexels.com


  • Skin cleanser – add a few drops to Fractionated Coconut Oil.
  • Cleanses surfaces – add to water in a spray bottle.
  • A few drops in the laundry will boost cleaning and add a fresh scent.
  • A few drops in your diffuser freshens the air, and creates an energized, uplifting home or work atmosphere.
  • Add a few drops to warm water with honey for a flavourful tea or add to your morning smoothie.

On Guard is also reported to support healthy immune and cardiovascular systems.  As with most essential oils remember, research is limited. (https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-flu/on-guard-doterra). As I have said previously, one size does not fit all and like food, wine, and art – you choose what works for you.  I wish I could share the aroma with you via this blog – one day, maybe. More about how this oil can be used beyond the physical.

According to one of my sources, Essential Emotions: Process, Release, & Live Free (12th Edition) (www.essentialemotions.com), On Guard will “shield individuals from harmful threats”.  It is claimed to have protective properties extending beyond the physical level.  On Guard is also reported to be “helpful for strengthening the inner self”.  You can give this oil a try if you need help in setting boundaries, breaking away from unhealthy connections, and in learning to stand up for yourself.

Wrap Up

As you can tell, I am enamored with this oil. I am moved by scents: they lift me up, calm me down, can play with my emotions as I remember past experiences, and sometimes they cause nausea, sneezing, or I just don’t like them. My taste might not be the same as yours, but I suggest you give this one a whiff if you like spicy, warm aromas.

Lavender Essential Oil

purple petal flowers focus photograph
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Lavender oil is one of the first oils I used. I love the smell and something about the colour – lavender and purple – has always attracted me.  One of my own theories about essential oils is that they are like wines, food, and art – we all have our favourites, there is no right or wrong – use and explore what works for you.  Of course, a bit of guidance is always useful when learning about new oils, foods, wines, or art.

A Bit of Science

Lavender “has been known to have anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, *antinociceptive, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects. Herbal products like lavender essential oils may offer a solution to the problem of antibiotic resistance, invasive treatments, side effects, or even drug addiction.” (Kajjari S, Joshi RS, Hugar SM, et al. The Effects of Lavender Essential Oil and its Clinical Implications in Dentistry: A Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022;15(3):385-388. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9357533/#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20known%20to,%2C%20antioxidant%2C%20and%20antimicrobial%20effects.&text=Herbal%20products%20like%20lavender%20essential%20oils%20may%20offer%20a%20solution,effects%2C%20or%20even%20drug%20addiction.)

*(Definition -Antinociception: the action or process of blocking the detection of a painful or injurious stimulus by sensory neurons).

My Take on Lavender

close up photo of sleeping baby
Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels.com

I first heard of lavender as an aid to sleep and would sprinkle it on my pillow. I have since learned that it is reported to be calming and reduces anxiety.  It can also be used to help relieve headaches, hmm – maybe the headaches are a result of stress and worry.  I have not tried it for relief of cough or colds but will give it a go the next time I experience a cold or cough, anything that might make me feel better. I have often used Eucalyptus oil for congestion associated with a cold.  Lavender has also been reported to relieve joint and muscle pain related to sprains, strains, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Lavender has been reported to reduce anxiety, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (inhibits oxidation) antimicrobial (kill or slow spread of microorganisms) and block the detection of pain.  Could such a product be a solution to such things as antibiotic resistance, some invasive treatments, side effects of medicines and treatments, and even drug addiction?

Lavender and Emotions

Emotions are part of our life all the time.  We feel happy, sad, so-so, angry, excited, and the list goes  on.  Emotions are normal, not good, not bad, they just are.  However, we can learn to respond to our emotions rather than react without thought.  That short moment between stimulus and response provides us with the opportunity to choose our response.  Nice, you say, but get to the point.  Lavender can calm the mind, especially insecurities when you choose to take a risk and express your true thoughts and feelings.  Do remember the power of your words and actions on others – everything is connected.  If lavender helps with expression I wonder if it would benefit the opening of the throat chakra – something more for me to investigate.

a picture of a person displaying despair surrounded with smoke
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Emotional honesty is encouraged by lavender.  As you learn about your emotions and hopefully strive to become more Emotionally Intelligent, lavender might be helpful in learning about your true emotions, labeling them, and choosing the best way to respond.  Address your emotions as an aid to becoming self-aware and have peace of mind.

Much of this information is from DoTerra https://www.doterra.com/CA/en/shop and a new book I purchased Essential Emotions: Process, Release & Live Free 12th Edition www.essentialemotions.com

You can check out more on my website at: my.doterra.com/elainerose1

To order lavender essential oil directly go to: https://doterra.me/yiK1ei

What is Next? What 2024 Holds

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What will 2024 hold for you? Will you leave it up to chance and go with the flow, not making any plans, not setting any intentions or will you make resolutions, set a vision, establish goals?

My coach, Claire Bjerkan shared her thoughts on establishing your vision rather than making resolutions. I concur with Claire. I have stayed away from resolutions for many years. And though the start of a new year is an opportune time to make resolutions, set goals and intentions, it does not have to be the only time.  We can set our vision and intentions at any time: our birthday, a new or full moon, the solstices, or equinoxes, or any time you choose.

Throughout the year I evaluate and re-evaluate what is working in my life and what I want to change. In the past I have identified goals for what I wanted to achieve. They have worked well for me. But I have adjusted my thinking the past couple of years. Now I tend to have intentions that I am working toward fulfilling. I might be splitting hairs with my word change, but it works for me.

If you read my blogs and posts you might remember that I am big on identifying values and aligning one’s vision, mission, actions, and intentions with their values. As I was having coffee this morning I was reflecting on my values – family, friends, health, and I got thinking I was missing valuing myself. Valuing health is valuing self, but I don’t think it goes far enough. When we value something, it behooves us to ask “why.” Why is health important? Why are family and friends important? Why would it be important to value oneself?

I was reminded earlier today that there are things to let go. My mom raised me to “do,” to not be lazy. I have worked a full life but have found myself feeling I need to be doing something. I am now wondering if I need to be “doing”. I have encouraged others to spend time being. Now it is time to take my own advice. That doesn’t mean I will stop doing things I enjoy. But I have enough pension to live comfortably and do what I enjoy doing. I can write, speak, paint, garden, embrace my inner witch, exploring essential oils and creating my own concoctions, I can meditate, and learn more about the quantum world. I have a wide variety of interests I enjoy exploring and sometimes I just want to curl up and read or watch tv – it is ok.

abstract wallpaper with fractals
Photo by Merlin Lightpainting on Pexels.com

I love coaching and helping others, guiding people to have a joyous, beautiful, healthy life and I remain open to those who seek me out. But I am not a salesperson, and I don’t like marketing – it just feels ungenuine to me – and I don’t think I have ever gotten it quite right. Furthermore, I don’t want to work that hard.

My word for this year is Blossom. I will blossom and as I do, I will share what I learn and do in hope that others will benefit from what I discover.

Wishing everyone a joyous, healthy, happy, and peaceful year.

The Difference Between Selfishness and Self-Care

woman painting on a wall
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

Self-care isn’t Selfish, Selfishness isn’t Self-Care

In a world frequently championing #selflessness and #altruism, the concept of self-care can be misconstrued as #selfishness. Ideally, we will recognize there is a fine line separating these two notions and understand the importance of prioritizing oneself without veering into #self-centeredness. In this blog I aim to shed light on the difference between selfishness and self-care, exploring the nuances that distinguish one from the other.


photo of a woman dreaming of the clouds in her sleep
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Selfishness is often associated with a disregard for others’ needs and an exclusive focus on personal gain. It manifests in actions driven by a sense of #entitlement, with little consideration for the impact on those around us. While selfishness may provide immediate #gratification, it tends to strain relationships and create an environment of #negativity.


Self-care is a holistic approach to maintaining one’s well-being – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Caring for oneself involves intentional actions aimed at preserving and enhancing one’s health, happiness, and fulfillment. Unlike selfishness, self-care recognizes the #interconnectedness of individuals and acknowledges the importance of a healthy self contributing positively to collective well-being.

Differentiating Factors:

  1. Intentions and Consequences:
    • Selfishness results from a desire to fulfill personal needs without regard for others. The outcome is often negative, leading to strained relationships and resentment.
    • Self-care, in contrast, involves actions founded on a genuine concern for one’s well-being. Recognizing the importance of a balanced and healthy individual contributes positively to relationships and communities. (Without health, the ability to care for others becomes limited.)
  2. Boundaries:
    • Selfishness tends to disregard boundaries, infringing upon others’ rights and needs.
    • Self-care emphasizes the importance of setting healthy boundaries to ensure personal needs are met without infringing upon the rights of others. Recognize that personal needs include a healthy diet, adequate physical activity, good quality, adequate sleep, and social interaction.
  3. Long-Term vs. Short-Term Gratification:
    • Selfish actions are often driven by a desire for immediate satisfaction, without considering the long-term consequences. Remember, regardless of your actions there will be consequences: make those consequences positive.
    • Self-care involves thoughtful, sustainable practices that contribute to long-term well-being, recognizing that fulfillment is an ongoing process. You can’t just do self-care once and expect long-term results.
bowl breakfast calcium cereal


To conclude, while the line between selfishness and self-care might be fine and seem blurred, the intentions and consequences of our actions play a pivotal role in distinguishing the two. Embracing self-care is not a selfish act but a necessary step toward fostering a healthy, balanced life that benefits both individuals and the collective whole. By understanding and promoting the importance of self-care, we can navigate this delicate balance and cultivate a society that values both personal well-being and the well-being of others.

10 Tips to Reduce Stress

The holiday season is upon us.  Such a joyous time as we indulge in get-togethers with family, friends, and co-workers.  However, it can also be a stressful time as we juggle attending parties, shopping for gifts, and planning, cooking, and hosting events.  On top of that it is the year-end for many organizations, which often means extra work.  What if we could reduce that stress just a wee bit?  I am sharing a few tips and practices for you to use during the holiday season and all year round.  After all, stress doesn’t just come once a year.

Often, we need to start with ourselves and reflect on our actions, behaviours, and feelings as a starting point.  Taking just a few minutes for reflection provides you with the information you need to determine where changes can be made. 

Of key importance to reducing stress is identifying the causes, our frame of mind, and what we want to accomplish.  The purpose of the information being presented is to accomplish a decrease in stress during the holiday season and into the new year.

I am using HeartMathresources for the tips I am sharing with you.


two yellow flowers surrounded by rocks
Photo by Nacho Juárez on Pexels.com

If you are reading this, you are demonstrating hope.  You have identified something you want and are taking steps to achieve what you want.  You have hope for change in your future.  Hope is a positive emotion, and we want to have as many positive thoughts and feelings as possible.  Where our mind goes, our energy flows (I don’t know the original author of this, but Tony Robbins did say something similar).  Let your mind go to love, calm, and peace.  

Start the Day Right

“Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, today.”  Most of us have been told that once or twice in our life.  Some days it is hard to be positive.  I have some chronic health challenges and it is not unusual for me to wake up in pain.  I am always grateful to wake up, and on the days I wake up pain free I am extra grateful.  Unfortunately, that is not how every day starts.  On the good days it is easy to be grateful and have a positive outlook for the day ahead.  On the not so good days I need to take some time to focus on heart feelings.  Heart feelings, as described by HeartMath include gratitude, appreciation, care, kindness, and compassion; you might be able to add more, but those are good starters.  Before you get out of bed identify two or three things for which you are grateful.  Examples: I am alive, I have food available for breakfast, the sun is shining, or we are getting some much-needed rain.  Put a smile on your face, even if just for a few seconds. 

Take a couple of minutes to do some focused breathing:

  • Choose a heart feeling such as kindness, gratitude, love, compassion, calm.
  • As you breathe visualize your breath flowing in and out of your heart and chest area.  Breathe in kindness.  As you exhale, exhale kindness to all around you.
  • Repeat this a few times and throughout the day if negative thoughts enter your mind.

You Choose

Every day we make numerous choices; from what to have for breakfast, to the route we take to work, plus financial and work-related choices too numerous to list.  What we want to remember is these are choices, and we are in control.

When we are stressed, we don’t make good decisions. Think about this – after an argument have you ever thought to yourself “why didn’t I say…?” or even “why didn’t I walk away?”   Learn to take a moment to choose your response rather than react. Between stimulus and response there is a time for a brief pause – a gap, where we can choose what to say or do. Make use of the moment. Did your mom ever tell you to count to 10 before you say something?  I know my mom certainly did as I often blurted out what I thought only to land myself in trouble.  I still need to be diligent to remember to do this.  We can’t take back words.  Once spoken they are out there and can cause hurt, anger, or happiness and deep thought.  Choose wisely.

woman in beige coat standing near white wooden book shelf
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


What is the outcome you want from a specific situation or event?  Can you get the outcome you want?  Of course, you can. You might have to do a bit of work, though.  How? 

Example: You have a recurring meeting that is often challenging with much disagreement and little accomplishment.  Many of the attendees disagree and don’t seem to be able to reach any sort of consensus. You find yourself becoming increasingly stressed and anxious just thinking about these regular meetings. The outcome you want is to not dread the meeting, not be stressed or anxious.  The solution: take time before the meeting (or other pending stressful situation) to put yourself in a positive frame of mind.  I suggest using Heart-Focused BreathingTM a HeartMathTM Technique.

Focus your attention in the area of your heart.  Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area.  Breathe a little slower and deeper than usual. Find a rhythm that is comfortable for you.

As you continue breathing imagine yourself in the ‘situation’.

Now, radiate love and positive energy into this upcoming event or situation.  This creates a positive energy field.

As the meeting or situation progresses you can practice this again if you feel things are not going well; you can reset the energy field and restore harmony.

In-Between Times

How do you spend your time between events?  What goes on in your head as you drive to work, or waiting in line for whatever, going for a walk, or exercising?  Use this time to consider practicing heart qualities such as kindness, compassion, care, love, or appreciation.

Use the Heart-Focused BreathingTM Technique from the Outcomes section and radiate one or more of the heart qualities to people for whom you care.  This practice will benefit you and those for whom you care.  Remember, where the mind goes the energy flows.

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Photo by Alexis Caso on Pexels.com

Quick Self-Assessment

This is something to do a few times during the day.  Stop and consider where you are really at with your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes – your mood.  Where is your energy being directed?  Is your energy being drained or boosted?  What we often consider the normal, little annoyances of routine can be extremely energy-draining.  Frustration, annoyance, and impatience all drain our energy.  What can you do about this?    

  • 1. Identify the drain. 
  • 2. Do Heart-Focused BreathingTM
  • 3. Picture a more positive response to the situation. 

While stuck in traffic I have begun focusing on my breathing and listening to uplifting music.  Afterall, there is nothing I can do about the actual situation. Consider your perceptions; is your glass half full, half empty, or refillable?

Making Important Decisions

We often worry about upcoming decisions or events, frequently without foundation.  Think about what benefits you have received from worry.  Probably none.  So why do we allow ourselves to get into that worry state?  Habit?  The result is usually accumulated stress.  Worry and stress aren’t conducive to creative solutions to our concerns or problems.

The big concern related to constant worry and negative thoughts is the accumulation of stress and its associated outcomes.  Chronic stress over time eats away at our resilience, ability to be creative, and choose appropriate solutions eventually affecting our health mental, emotional, and physical.  But how do we stop these things occurring?  Traffic is out of our control, we won’t get along with everyone, and sometimes our jobs are on the line if we don’t attend those annoying meetings: so, what do we do?  Make Heart-Focused Breathing part of your daily routine.  This will help reset your baseline, help you shift your perception of the events, and over time you will be better able to handle and come back from those stressful situations.  Additionally, our world needs more love, compassion, and kindness and taking this small amount of help will help you develop those qualities.

Make your decisions from a place of calm, love, and kindness when you are in control of your emotions.

Relationships – Getting Along

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all get along?  Think of John Lennon’s Imagine – living life in peace, sharing all the world.  The answer is love.  Learning to love one another is possible.  We don’t have to agree with everyone, we might even choose to not associate with some people, but we can still share love from our hearts.

We can set aside judgment, biases, and different beliefs.  Be open, learn, and listen.  The more you practice love, forgiveness, and kindness the easier it will flow to those around you.  Start with self-love, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. This might take some time, be gentle with yourself, one small step at a time.  Don’t be ruled by stress and the fear that is so easily spread through the media; learn to think for yourself.  Heed the advice of Stephen Covey “seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Your Purpose

What is your purpose in this life?  Many of us ask this question, others just go with the flow.  What were you meant to do that no one else on earth can do?  You might find your purpose or what you want to do changes over time – that is ok, you are living and learning.  Listen to your heart and to your intuition.  Examine your desires, wishes, and values to determine what is most important in your life.  From there you might just find your purpose.

Changes – Together We Can Change the World

We see wars and chaos everywhere.  News and social media are filled with tragedy and fear.  Kindness is free, give it openly.  Gracefully accept kindness from others.  Be kind to yourself.  Learn to love yourself so you can love others.  Learn to forgive yourself so you can forgive others.  Share your wealth.  Make note of all for which you can be grateful each day.

Wrap it all Together!

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Photo by Kim Stiver on Pexels.com

Make small changes toward reducing your stress and improving your life.  Gratitude is a great starter – no matter how bad the situation there is something for which to be thankful.  Know your small acts of kindness, compassion, caring, and love can make a huge difference to you and those with whom you interact.  

I encourage you to check out HeartMathResources at Resources | HeartMath Institute for additional information to find ways to reduce your stress all year long.  If you need additional guidance to get your stress under control and find the beautiful life you deserve, give me a shout; I’m always available to chat.

What Vibes Are You Sending Out? What Vibes Are You Receiving?

We aren’t happy all the time. That is life. We have ups and downs, good days and bad days. We have a vast array of emotions, each one legitimate. Our feelings and emotions aren’t always rational, but they are still there. We often know that what we feel isn’t rational and often regret when we react in less than ideal way. But we do it repeatedly, often with the ‘explanation’ or ‘excuse’ that we are just being honest. Maybe so, but we are not enjoying the wonderful life we deserve and we are wasting our precious energy. “But,” you say “it is just the way I feel”. True, but what if you could change the way you respond and in so doing cut down the energy drain and feel better? Below is a link to a HeartMath(TM) article that will help guide you to being in control of your emotional responses.


Where is the Scientific Proof?

Though the idea may seem strange to many, and it is hard to show scientific proof, it also doesn’t cost any thing, nor does it have adverse effects, so why not give it a try? I’m happy to go along with the placebo effect if it makes life better.

When you are hurt, grieving, or feeling low do you sometimes just want a hug? Have you experienced a sense of calm relaxation during a massage? What sensations do you experience when you kiss and caress your lover? Touch is important. And what about the energy you feel when certain people come into the room? Seeing some people immediately lifts you up while other immediately bring you down. Why? They are giving off energy.

We are made up of energy. Our brain waves are measured with EEGs, our hearts are evaluated with ECGs, and our muscles are tested with EMGs – these all measure the electricity conduction of the various areas of our bodies.

Check out the following article to learn more.


Never doubt that even when you say nothing you are communicating with others. Your energy, your vibrations are radiating to others. Make sure yours are positive.


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Photo by Avery Nielsen-Webb on Pexels.com

Over the last few years, I have been hearing about “Grounding”.  As is my usual practice I had to read up on this more.  Afterall, if Deepak Chopra was recommending grounding, then there just might be something there.  I tended to think of being grounded as being down to earth, practical, or realistic.  That being said, if we are grounded does that eliminate dreaming, manifestation, spirituality, or even being?

When I read about physical grounding, barefoot on the earth, I was thrilled.  Being barefoot has been natural for me since childhood.  I love the feel of earth, grass, sand, even stones beneath my feet.  They all feel so good and transport me to what feels like a different realm. But as I decided to delve into grounding a bit more here is some of what I found.

Some of the meanings depend on the context, but generally, refer to a state of being emotionally stable, mentally present, and connected to reality. Here are some common interpretations of what it means to be grounded:

woman sitting on wooden planks
Photo by Keenan Constance on Pexels.com

Emotional Stability: Being emotionally grounded means you are in control of your emotions and can remain calm and composed even in challenging or stressful situations. Emotional grounding involves understanding your feelings, acknowledging them, and managing them in a healthy way.

man paddling while wearing virtual reality glasses
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Connected to Reality: Grounded in reality is having a realistic and accurate perception of the world around you (Is this possible? Is my reality the same as your reality?)  Reality grounding involves recognizing the difference between your thoughts, emotions, and objective facts. People who are grounded in reality are less likely to engage in wishful thinking or denial (is this something you want? I like the idea of dreaming, wishing, hoping, as these are part of the life I want).

Mental Presence: To be mentally grounded is to be fully present in the moment and focused on what is happening right now. Mental grounding means not dwelling on the past or worrying excessively about the future. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help cultivate mental grounding.

Physical Grounding: This can refer to the physical sensation of being connected to the Earth, such as feeling the support of the ground beneath your feet. Activities like walking barefoot on grass or soil are said to help people feel physically grounded.  This is a grounding to which I relate – I love this.

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Photo by Daniel Watson on Pexels.com

Spiritual or Energetic Grounding: In some spiritual or holistic practices, grounding can refer to connecting with the Earth’s energy or centring your own energy. This is often done through visualization or specific exercises to balance one’s energy.  This too, is a grounding to which I relate.  The Earth’s energy and the energy of all those around us influence our life more than we often are aware.

    Stability and Security: In a practical sense, being grounded can also mean having a stable and secure foundation in life. This could include financial stability, a stable home environment, or a strong support system of friends and family.  This version of grounding is something we often strive to achieve.  Though there is nothing wrong with being practical and it serves us well in our daily lives, I like the idea of also being able to be wistful, to have fun, and to be anything but practical at times – the joie de vivre.

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    Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com
    woman standing on rice field during cloudy day
    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

    Overall, being grounded implies a state of balance, stability, and mindfulness that helps individuals navigate life’s challenges with a clear and steady mind. I have no problem with this take on being grounded, but I find it is a bit restrictive as stated – balance, stability, and mindfulness can all be positive qualities, but let’s not forget about having fun, exploring life, and choosing to be impractical at times.  Live life to the fullest!

    Never Too Old to Learn

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    Photo by Ivo Rainha on Pexels.com

    Life has been incredibly busy the last little while.  Nonetheless, I continue to learn, after all, we are never too old to learn. We’ve seen lots of people, family, friends, acquaintances, and even met new people.  What more could we want from life?  One thing I would like more of is the ability to be nonjudgmental.  Though I am usually non-judgmental and compassionate, I am human and at times catch myself being just what I don’t want to be – judgmental. 

    Being Non-Judgmental

    Though I pride myself in accepting other people as they are, I recently found myself being a bit smug as I proclaimed I could accept others’ beliefs and behaviours as part of who they are.  Having been around so many people recently I became aware of the need to remind myself that we all see and experience things differently.  I needed to remind myself we all have a variety of reasons for believing, feeling, and behaving as we do.  I do not need to agree with you, your beliefs, or your actions.  But it is important to me that I accept you as you are.  If you are not doing anything that causes harm there is no reason for me to let your beliefs, actions, or behaviours upset me.  I cannot change you.  We are all individuals and we do not fully understand what another person is experiencing.  One of my core values is to be non-judgmental, but I find I need to be mindful of this at times when I do not agree with others. 

    We each create our own reality.  What life and reality are you living at this moment?  Are you living a life of scarcity or abundance; love or hate; kindness or pain; health or unwellness; kind and giving relationships or loneliness?  Remember, where our focus goes our energy flows.  With that in mind, I am reminded to focus on my own high vibrational energy.  We are made of energy.  Our energy field extends beyond our physical body and can influence what others are feeling.  Of course, the energy fields of others will also influence what we are feeling.  What energy are you putting out?

    Our Vibrations

    Because every cell in every biological system on Earth is bathed in an external and internal environment of fluctuating invisible magnetic fields of a wide range of frequencies, these fields can affect virtually every cell and circuit in biological systems.

    Have you ever had someone walk into the room and you get a good ‘vibe’ and notice an immediate change in the ‘feeling’ of the room?  Some people lift the vibrational level to a point where there is a feeling of happiness and joy.  Other people can walk into a room, and you get a bad ‘vibe’, the vibrational level can fall, and the room is filled with sadness, even anger and hostility.  This tells me that if I don’t like the ‘atmosphere’ or ‘vibe’ of the physical space I am in then it is up to me to change my vibration and in turn, this will change the vibration of others.  Will this be easy to do?  Not likely.  Is this worth doing?  By all means. 

    How can we change our vibrational level?  The first thing that must occur is awareness.  We need to be aware of our current vibrational level.  Secondly, ask what kind of vibe you would like to be experiencing.  Next, breathe and focus on the positive vibrational state you would like to experience.  This last step involves picturing the state, feeling the state, and living in the state. 

    Neuroplasticity and Manifesting Your Dreams

    There’s a dynamic process that allows our brain’s structure and function to be modified based on our experiences, learning, and the environment we’re in.

    I’m currently involved in a Manifestation course.  I love it.  I have long believed that if we can think it we can have it or do it.  Nothing is impossible.  I also have a great interest in the brain and neuroplasticity.  This all comes together in my brain as an obvious connection.  I found an article to help me understand this – I encourage you to give it a boo.

    The way I look at this is the same as I look at the Placebo Effect – so long as something is not being overlooked, what can it hurt to try?  Maybe I am being simplistic with this train of thought, but so far it has worked for me. 

    Manifesting My Dreams

    My dreams require me to be healthy.  I value time with my family, and I want to be able to work in my garden and go for walks in our wonderful neighbourhood with my husband and dog; I want to help others through my coaching and writing, and to be able to give to my friends and family – if I am not healthy, I cannot do these things.  If I am not healthy, I will need help and care from my friends and family and feel I would be a burden to them – I do not want that situation.  Thus, my health is my number one priority. 

    My Digital Vision Board

    I read about making a digital vision board so it could be loaded onto phones, and social media – of course I immediately created one.  It was easy, I am going to do more.  These dreams/visions either are or will become a reality.  Note the two dog photos – one is our dog Sadie. We said goodbye to her in October 2022. The other is our dog, Napi who we adopted in November 2022.  We hadn’t realized how much they looked alike till we saw photos of the two of them – I guess there is a look that attracts us – mostly the smiles. This is a very simple vision board, with a few important items for my life. A good start, I think.

    I’m a life-long believer in jotting down my goals.  Though I have creative abilities, drawing is not one of them, so creating a vision board means finding photos or clippings of what I want.  This vision board identifies some of the things that are important to me – the outdoors, my garden, my family (including my dog), essential oils (they help with my health), and a beautiful home. My values and goals are expressed in the pictures on my vision board.


    Compassion begins with self-compassion. Once you can love and accept yourself as you are, you will find it easier to accept others as they are.

    Never Too Old to Learn

    I continue to be curious and learn new things and learn about myself (after all, we are all a work in progress, and I can use more work on not being smug, or judgmental).  I still have work to do to become a better person.  I am thrilled to be learning more about manifesting, essential oils, and neuroplasticity.  There is so much in this world for all of us to learn about – enjoy your curiosity.

    Abundance, Gratitude, and The 12 Universal Laws

    Something to Think About

    We have heard about the importance of gratitude, that all around us is abundance, and about the law of attraction. There are also 12 Universal Laws, one of which is the Law of Attraction. I am sharing the 12 Laws of Attraction with you and some commentary about them. Why would I bother to do this? I want to share the information I learn and that I believe will help you have the life of your dreams. No one size fits all, as a result, I share a wide variety of information. You choose what resonates with you.

    I have been on a spiritual journey for several years.  Currently, I am exploring manifestation.  Part of this exploration includes examining the 12 Universal Laws.  What better way for me to learn and understand these than to share them with others?  One of my exercises on my manifestation journey is to listen to Bob Proctor’s Abundance Meditation.  I am including the link for you. 

    When I heard Bob Proctor say “If you can hold it in your head, you can hold it in your hand” I was thrilled. (Bob Proctor, Abundance Meditation)  I have long believed if you can think it, you or someone, can make it so.  You might be ahead of your time with your thoughts, I encourage you to maintain your sense of curiosity and imagination. 

    My journey has involved many people and ideas.  Some with which I agree, some I don’t.  Nonetheless, in most cases, at least one of the laws has been mentioned and discussed.  Why do we want to consider these laws?  Of what value might they be to us? 

    One reason to explore these laws is to help discover a more spiritually aligned life.  With each law, I have included how you might be able to apply it to your life.  But remember, you make the choice, one size does not fit all.  You choose what works for you to get you the life you want. 

    The 12 Universal Laws

    The 12 Universal Laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. (Sarah Regan)

    Law of Divine Oneness

    All things are interconnected.  Every thought, action, or event is connected to anything and everything else.  Use of this law in real life to help develop your compassionate nature and greater understanding of others and their situation.  We are all one.  Understanding this law and living in accordance leads to increased power and empathy.

    Law of Vibration

    a photo of a singing bowl

    Everything is in constant motion, carrying energy, and vibrating at a specific frequency.  This applies to people, as in good vibes.  If you are having a bad day, you can elevate your frequency by practicing yoga, sound breathing (such as using a singing bowl), and chakra work.

    Law of Correspondence

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    Photo by Paweł L. on Pexels.com

    As above, so below.  Patterns repeat – both personally and throughout the universe. Regan quotes Kaiser

    “If our life is chaotic and fearful it’s because there is chaos and fear within. If our life seems calm and grounded, it is because we feel peace within.”

    When things aren’t going well for you ask what you are meant to learn about yourself, and what inner healing you might need. What patterns do you repeat in your life?  If you were to change a repeated pattern, what transformation would you expect to see?

    Law of Attraction

    Like attracts like.  This law suggests what you focus on is what you get.  This is the law often used in manifestation.  To have the things we want in our life, we need to work to vibrate at the same frequency as the chosen item.  Being positive, proactive, and loving attracts more of the same.

    Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.”

    Law of Inspired Action

    Though similar to the Law of Attraction, this law tells us we must take action to get what we want.  We must actively pursue our goals and desires.  You must take inspired, real, actionable steps to invite what you want in your life. 

    Apply this law by slowing down, getting quiet, and allowing space for internal guidance.  Look within.  Be open to all possibilities.  Whether you take a big or small step toward what you want, you instantly attract that relationship, job, or abundance you seek.

    Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

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    Photo by Dio Alif Utomo on Pexels.com

    Everything around us is in constant flux, ever-evolving.  Many of the changes exist or occur at the cellular or atomic level, nonetheless, they continue.  Every action is preceded by a thought.  Thoughts have the power to eventually become our physical reality.

    Have you been around a negative person and soon found yourself becoming down or being negative?  That is an example of how this Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy works in daily life.  Of course, it can work the other way too, being around a positive person (positive energy, high vibration) can bring your vibrations up and have you feeling more positive.  You can raise the positive energy around you by maintaining positive thoughts and actions.

    Law of Cause and Effect

    All actions have a corresponding reaction.   

    This law highlights the direct relation between actions and events.

    You might not see the effects immediately, but they will come around. Your spiritual life can affect the world around you, positively or negatively.  And your environment can influence your spirituality. Everything you put out into the universe has a ripple effect. Every one of your actions will have a reaction – good or bad. What are you putting out?

    Law of Compensation

    This law is similar to the Laws of Correspondence and Attraction.  You will receive what you put out.  You reap what you sow, be careful how you treat others and the planet.  What you seek you will find if you contribute to that goal.

    To put this law into practice ask yourself “What can I do to be of service and to support others today?”

    Law of Relativity

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    Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com

    This law is about the neutrality of things when seen in isolation (everything is neutral).  No specific person, experience, emotion, or action is evaluated as good or bad until you compare it with something else. There are always multiple perspectives and perceptions about anything that happens to you.  Considering these alternate perspectives can make you more grateful and show you how to make improvements in your life.

    While I don’t support the idea of comparing ourselves to others because it so often supports the erroneous ideas that we are not good enough, or not worthy, I do support comparison if it can help us see what we have.  This is a good law to help us identify the abundance we have and to be grateful for all our wealth.

    Law of Polarity

    Everything has an opposite; good and evil, hot and cold, love and fear.  There are two sides to every coin. 

    When you experience something difficult, this law will help you appreciate the good developments to come.  This law also helps improve your resilience in troubled times.  What is the contrast to the current situation or circumstance?  How will this help you appreciate your current status?

    Law of Rhythm

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    Photo by Leigh Patrick on Pexels.com
    orange and blue and white snow forest
    Photo by aj povey on Pexels.com

    Also known as the Law of Perpetual Motion, it is focused on movement.  Consider the seasons, aging, and life stages as examples of this law.  Reflection on these can help you gain perspective.  Enjoy what you have while it lasts.

    We do not remain the same, nothing remains the same, there is constant evolution. Pay attention to your body, your inner voice, when your body and mind are tired – rest. 

    Law of Gender

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    Photo by Jben Beach Art on Pexels.com

    There are two major types of energy, masculine and feminine, yin and yang.  All things have both types of energy. 

    We must find a way to achieve a balance between the two.  Think about the role each type of energy plays in your life and if there is a deficit or excess of either.  Try to have a balance of energy.




    What Comes Before, What Comes After?

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    Photo by Nadezhda Moryak on Pexels.com

    Do we communicate before we are born? Do we communicate after we die? Having spent some time grieving the death of my dear friend I feel compelled to share some of my thoughts, questions, and beliefs.

    Have you heard that we choose our parents?  So interesting if you think about this as an adult.  Would you pick those parents again?  If we chose them, was it so we would learn from them or they would learn from us, or a bit of both?  Would your life have been easier if you’d had different parents?  So many things to think about. 

    Do you believe in reincarnation?  Do we come back to this earth after our death?  If so, how many times, and can it be as a human or an animal?  Do we keep coming back until we get it right?  Are there angels, demons, ghosts, or other entities not in physical form?  Or do these entities inhabit the bodies of others? 

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    Photo by David Bartus on Pexels.com

    Do the dead communicate with us?  How, when, or why?  Do the dead communicate with us to help us or harm us? What would be the purpose of our dearly departed staying in communication? 

    What kind of experiences have you had with ethereal or other-worldly beings? 

    I have chosen to believe that there are beings, or forces who do communicate with us. When we die, are we simply no more; do we merely come from nothing and return to nothing?  We have learned that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and we are made up of energy: The First Law of Thermodynamics.  Everything is made of energy, including the human body.

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    Photo by Adonyi Gábor on Pexels.com

    Energy is defined as the capacity to perform work. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, the total amount of energy in the universe is constant — incapable of being created or destroyed — and can only change from one form to another.


    I am more than my physical body. When my body is no longer able to stay on this earth my spirit will continue to live on in some form. In the last few years, many people close to me have left this earth; their bodies were no longer able to survive in this environment. These were talented, strong, giving individuals with much to offer.  As such I find it hard to conceive that they just stopped being.  With so much to offer to the world a new form was necessary for them to continue their work and to share their important messages.  Our role, the role for those of us inhabiting early bodies, is to listen and be aware of all that is present in mind, body, and spirit. Be a part of the universe and be cognizant that it is more than we yet know.

    Make the most of your time in this world. Share your love and kindness, always be curious. Enjoy life to the fullest. Check out my other blogs.

    Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

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    What’s the Big Deal About Positive Thinking?

    I recently received a message informing me that most people complain once every three minutes during conversations. (Sri Preethraji).  Is this a habit you want to have?  Focusing on the challenges we face is neither productive nor healthy.  Change is possible.

    For the next few days, during your conversations pay attention to what you and others are saying.  Is it a pity party?  Or a general complaining about all that is wrong in the world.  When life gives you grief and you share your problems with a friend are you sometimes told “just think positively”?  This isn’t what you want to hear. You just want to wallow in your pain.  You might even want a bit of sympathy.  But hang on a minute!  How long do you wallow?  There might be some value in thinking positively.

    I don’t suggest you gloss over life’s problems.  When you experience hurt, pain, disappointment in life it is important to acknowledge what you are feeling and why.  No one would expect you to not be upset, sad, angry, or frightened when you receive shocking news, lose your job, or get a devastating health diagnosis. We all go through tough times, and we move on: but how?  Life is full of difficulties.  We want to overcome the difficulties and enjoy life to the fullest.  When we feel our world has ended there are things you can do to get yourself back on track. First, be compassionate with yourself.

    Our fears, anger, and frustrations are often important, they notify us of things that need to change, or warn us of dangers. Pay attention to that little inner voice. Learn how to control how you respond, learn how to enjoy life to the fullest.


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    Photo by Pierre LESCOT on Pexels.com

    Do you know anyone who tends to see things as negative?  “What a beautiful day,” you say as you greet your friend. “Oh yes, the house is going to get so hot, another night too hot to sleep.” Or, “I hear you have a nice vacation planned.” And the response comes “I hate flying, it is always so uncomfortable, the seats are too small, and check-in just takes forever.  I wonder if it is really worth the hassle.”  Most of us have friends, family, or acquaintances who have this attitude. I don’t know about you, but I eventually spend less time with them.  I prefer to be around people with a positive attitude. Though I prefer to be around positive people life doesn’t always work that way. We pick up on the electrical field that surrounds others.

    Our Electrical Field

    We each have an electrical or vibrational field that radiates about three feet around us (some studies suggest this is much more). So, if someone is giving off bad vibes how do we protect ourselves? Will our own positive vibes over power their negative ones? This is where you need to do some work and use your imagination. Visualize you are snuggly wrapped in a cloak (you choose the colour, I like pink or gold) that lets your positive, loving energy flow to others but filters out the negative energy from reaching you. (image from Human Energy Field Facebook Page)

    I have written about Positive Self-Talk before. This information about choosing to be happy, learning how to find joy and calm, and decreasing the stress in your life merely adds to my previous blog.  I have learned from Ekam, World Centre for Enlightenment, there are only two states of being, a beautiful state or a suffering state. And I am on a journey to spend most of my time in a beautiful state.

    The Benefits of Positive Thinking

    There are benefits to positive thinking.  One article I read suggests positive thinking can lead to the following health benefits:

    1. Increased life span.
    2. Decreased rates of depression.
    3. Lower levels of distress and pain.
    4. Increased resistance to illness.
    5. Better psychological and physical well-being.
    6. Better cardiovascular health and decreased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke.

    Why do these health benefits result from positive thinking?  The answer isn’t known.  We can only guess that it might relate to our being able to handle stress better. We know that prolonged stress leads to a weakened immune system, increased blood pressure, poor sleep, it might influence what you eat and drink.  All of these are detrimental to our health and if we can do something to improve our health, why not?  Is it easy to do?  Here are some suggestions.

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    Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com

    How to Think Positively

    A message in my email inbox from Deepak Chopra contained these suggestions for positive thinking:

    1. Acknowledge your negative thoughts. First, ask yourself if the negative thought is true.  Example: “I’m so stupid, I can’t do anything right.”  Well, we know for sure that isn’t true.  Now to Reframe that thought: “This is difficult, but I’ve done difficult things before and done well.”
    2. Move your body. Get the oxygen flowing along with the endorphins.  Those endorphins will give you a natural high.
    3. Try affirmations.  Display these on your bathroom mirror, or somewhere you will see them often.  This helps you celebrate your worth and successes.
    4. Practice gratitude.  List 3 – 5 things for which you are grateful every morning and/or evening.
    5. Meditate daily. 

    More Things to Help You Think Positively

    If you tend to be a pessimist or negative thinker don’t expect to change overnight.  As with anything you want to change – first you must decide what you want, what you need to start doing, and what you need to stop doing. 

    You can start with how you talk to yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  Speak to yourself as you would speak to a friend, beloved family member, or someone for whom you care about.

    Take time during the day to reflect on what you are thinking.  Just a moment or two to get yourself back on track if you have started down a path of negative thoughts. It might help at this point add some humour and even laugh at yourself.  Find the funny side of what is happening around you.

    Body and mind work together if one isn’t healthy the other will be affected.  Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritiously – healthy food in healthy amounts.  Get adequate sleep. Take time for appropriate physical activity.  Learn ways to manage your stress.

    Surround yourself with positive people.  Be with people who are supportive and positive.  You want to be around others who will help guide you and offer feedback if you want it.  Negative people might just add to your stress, which you don’t need while attempting to make positive changes to your life.

    You are on Your Way

    There are many more things you can do to be more positive.  Find things to do that you enjoy and spend some time having fun.  You might need to take a little time to think about what those things are – but you deserve to have fun in your life.  Don’t take yourself too seriously.  Love yourself, just the way you are. One small step at a time.

    Let me know your thoughts on positive thinking.  I’d love to help guide you on your journey to a beautiful life.  I am still learning, but I have numerous resources we can explore and discuss.

    Leadership: Nursing and Healthcare

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    Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

    I recently spoke to the Philippine Canadian Nurses Association in Calgary.

    Florence Nightingale’s 203rd birthday was celebrated on 12-May-2023. Florence was an English social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing.  Nightingale focused on #personalizedpatientcare and #goodhygiene, which increased chances of recovery. Florence was also a #statistician and collected data. During the Crimean war she used the numbers she collected to introduce reform to the care being provided. Florence Nightingale was a leader.

    Let’s delve into leadership a bit more.

    Who is a Leader?

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    Though there is no universally accepted definition for leader or leadership, we do tend to know both when we see them.

    Everyone is a leader.  Sometimes, in some situations you are a leader.  We know not everyone is a good leader.  Some people are better leaders than others. We also know that leadership can be learned.  There are numerous competencies each of us can develop if we choose.  Whether you are a formal or informal leader, leadership competencies and skills are worth learning.

    Nurses are leaders to many in numerous ways. Patients and families look to nurses as leaders. We lead each other – no one nurse can know everything. Nurses have insights into how things could be done better – and it behooves each of us to share those insights.

    What is a #Leader?

    Oxford online dictionary defines leader as “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country”. I immediately feel the hairs on the back of my neck go up when I hear the word “commands” – but I guess it might fit in some situations. Commanding might be important in military situations, or large-scale incidences such as 9/11 the leader might be the commander of the situation organizing and issuing order appropriately. In most of our daily situation commanding is not necessary.

    What is #Leadership?

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    Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

    Again, from the Oxford online dictionary come 3 definitions:

    “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.”

    “the state or position of being a leader.”

    “the leaders of an organization, country, etc.”

    Where Do We Find and Interact with Leaders?

    1. The coach and the captain of your sports team are both considered leaders.
    2. Your teachers and professors are often considered leaders.
    3. The king, prime minister, premier, mayor – they are considered leaders, but…
    4. On a trip you might have a tour guide as your leader. This can be especially important if you don’t speak the local language.
    5. Your boss, supervisor, manager.
    6. Within the family – Parents and family members.

    What makes a person a strong or good leader?  Think about this, not just while reading, but afterwards. Pay attention in a variety of situations: watch people, movies, tv shows and pick out the leaders, both formal and informal. Notice the leadership qualities displayed by others in different settings – which qualities appeal to you and which make you cringe.  When you see examples of bad leadership or bad leader behaviours, learn from them. You can learn from what is done wrong just as you can learn from good practices.

    Are you, or have you been in a #formalleadership role?  Did you receive any specific guidance, education, or support when you took on the role?  On a #personaldevelopment level have you sought out information about being a leader, about leadership, or management?

    #Nurses and anyone in #healthcare are probably chuckling right now thinking “when does she think we would have time to do that?”  I know there is a nursing shortage – it isn’t new, but it might be worse than we have experienced before.  Over the last few years, you have been stretched to the breaking point so taking courses has not been high on your to do list if it ever was on your list at all.

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    Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

    But there are ways to develop your leadership skills without significantly adding to your workload.  I will cover how you can do that a bit later.

    Though management and leadership are different, there are many significant similarities.  And we might even want to consider why leadership even matters.  Maybe we should just forget about the people part and focus on the business and the bottom line.

    Let’s delve into this a bit more.

    When Does Leadership Occur?

    Leadership is happening all around us all the time.

    Leadership occurs anytime anyone influences someone.  Leadership happens in our interactions with others – in our #relationships.

    We often don’t want to be put into a leadership role.  Some people don’t believe they are leaders.  As an assistant manager of an ICU, I sometimes asked the staff on the unit what kind of leader they were.  Most often the response was “Oh, I’m not a leader.”  Yet, I continue to believe everyone is a leader, even if they do not recognize it is themselves.

    Whether you are a formal leader, or an informal leader you can improve your #leadershipskills and abilities. No matter what type of leader you might consider yourself i.e., some of the traditional types being transformational, transactional, delegative, participative, authoritative, or servant there is always something more to learn. I would like to introduce 2 types of leadership that I think are worthy of your attention: 1 – #EmotionalIntelligenceLeadership and 2 – #ComplexityLeadership.  However, it doesn’t matter if you put a label on your leadership style or not, you have leadership strengths and abilities.  

    Why Do We Need Leaders and Leadership?

    Leaders provide #guidance, direction, #support, #inspiration, and #motivation to achieve desired goals in business and personally.

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    Photo by Luke Webb on Pexels.com

    Think about the leaders you have had? Which leaders stand out? Were they good leaders or poor leaders? What reason or reasons brought you to that conclusion?  Some reasons could be they were arrogant, not a people person, didn’t listen to the ideas of others, didn’t keep promises, didn’t explain why changes were made… OR they were kind, honest, took time to get to know you, were empathetic, were humble, listened to the ideas of the team, or just seemed to understand where you are coming from.

    Complexity Leadership is ideal for nurses and nursing because it is a process involving complex adaptive systems and highly interactive people (#complexadaptivesystems are the roots of all healthcare delivery). Some of the concepts of Complexity Leadership include it being highly interactive, #collaborative, creative, #innovative, and #adaptable, often with outcomes that are #emergent – unplanned and nonlinear. So many of these words seem to relate to nurses and nursing – interactive, collaborative, you definitely need to be creative, innovative, and adaptable with shortages of people and supplies, technology and machinery that doesn’t work as stated.  

    Nursing, leadership, and complexity theory have overlapping characteristics when placed in Venn Diagram thus creating a model for Complexity Leadership in Nursing. I presented this in my dissertation when I examined the education and development of leadership in nursing programs.  (A Case Study in Complexity Leadership in Nursing: Preparing Baccalaureate Nursing Students).

    All three, nursing, leadership, and complexity theory involve relationships, the ability to manage conflicts and ambiguity, and require excellent communication skills. All three need to deal with complex dilemmas, and ideally will challenge the status quo and processes. Leaders enable others to act – and if you look you know these all apply to nurses. We know nurses and leaders will model the way and inspire a shared vision. Complexity theory is non-linear and if you think about it, so is nursing and leadership. All three are #dynamic – ever evolving. Just like each of us.

    Sometimes we are not aware of the interconnectivity or have knowledge of the other parts of a system or situation. Situations are often novel, and changes are never ending.

    Think About the Butterfly Effect

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    Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

    A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tornado weeks later, on the other side of the world is how the #butterflyeffect is often described. What does this have to do with leadership?  Small actions can lead to large results. Conversely, large actions sometimes lead to small results. At other times it is repeated small actions that lead to change.  I was told to brush my teeth to prevent cavities, – well I did that once, but I still got cavities. I also exercised one day but I am still overweight.  You don’t necessarily need to make big changes to get important results. A small thing like listening to what an employee has to say about a new work schedule could provide important insight into what else might be needed, or a small tweak that will make the new schedule work better. What would happen if management listened to employees more often?

    What is Universal or Divine Intelligence and How Does it Have Anything to do with Leadership or Nursing?

    #UniversalIntelligence is the intrinsic or underlying tendency for things to self-organize and co-evolve into ever more complex, intricately interwoven and mutually compatible forms.

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    Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

    Universal or #DivineIntelligence does not belong to any religious ideology. Its focus is personal transformation and spiritual advancement, again spiritual is not connected with any religious ideology, it is an awareness of the unlimited, creative potential within you, and it infers a deep connection between our minds and the fundamental makeup of the Universe.

    Keep these in mind. How do nurses working together, and side-by-side self-organize or evolve over time? How do our actions and ideas create something new and improved as we manage our work and care for our patients? We often don’t know where our ideas come from, what caused us to have a certain idea or thought, we just know there is a better way, and we move to implement something new. Never underestimate your intuition.

    Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

    Emotional Intelligence involves: #Self-awareness, #Self-regulation, #Empathy, #Motivation, and #Social Skills. Can a leader truly be a leader without these? Without these someone can certainly be in a leadership role. But to be a good leader these things are imperative. I believe we all need to have these qualities. They are not necessarily easy to develop, self-awareness requires work and attention, from there self-regulation can develop. Taking time to become Emotionally Intelligent will benefit you in all situations. I think learning about Emotional Intelligence needs to be incorporated in the nursing curriculum. As a former assistant professor of nursing the first question that comes to mind is “and where are we going to squeeze that in?” This is one of those things that requires some creativity. It does not need to be a semester long course, but it is incredibly important for the well-being of nurses and can help improve patient care and interaction. An Emotionally Intelligent Leader will:

    • Base feedback on observations.
    • Show recognition.
    • Promote open and transparent communication – not everyone needs to agree, but we do need to be able to discuss differences with respect and kindness.
    • Delegate work – this demonstrates trust, and you are empowering the individual.
    • Be respectful.
    • Support learning and development.

    Who Are the People You Look up to?

    Those are the leaders you want to remember. Why do you look up to them? What qualities d0 they display? What do you learn from them?

    Can you be a leader if you are not in the news or famous? Are the famous and well-known people leaders? Politicians, movie stars, singers, athletes, …

    Consider the qualities of a strong leader. What kind of leader do you want to follow?

    Strong leaders

    • Unite.
    • Are trustworthy.
    • Inspire.
    • Collaborate.
    • Are humble & kind.
    • Unselfishly give.
    • Develop & educate.

    Of the politicians, movie stars, celebrities, media personalities, and athletes, who of them fit these criteria?

    Steve Jobs gave us some ideas for leadership:

    • Focus – don’t let distractions get in your way. Always do your best.
    • Simplify – simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. Be clear about what you want and do.
    • Take responsibility – we all have free will – but whatever you choose you must accept the consequences.
    • Bend reality – use your imagination, be creative. If you can think it, you can do it.
    • Say “no” – you can’t do everything. And remember, not everything is the right thing.
    • Push for perfection – Though no one expects you to be perfect, you can’t go wrong by doing your best.

    Though I have added my own explanations into Steve Jobs’ ideas I think what he suggests are good qualities. Moving on I promised I would share some ways on …

    How to develop your leadership skills without adding to your workload.

    • #Listen – be present, be aware.
    • Pause – take a second before you act or respond. Make sure you do what you believe is best in the situation. Know and follow your values.
    • Learn names and use them when you greet people.
    • Ask questions – show interest. Others will notice when you show interest in them or in what they are doing or saying.
    • Ask for and listen to others’ ideas and opinions. Think about how you feel when no one is paying attention to what you are saying or what you think.
    • Be #polite – say please and thank you. It doesn’t cost a thing to be polite, and to be #respectful. You don’t have to agree, but there is no need to be rude or disrespectful.
    • Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh at yourself. Speak kindly to yourself, we don’t want negative self-talk, there is way too much of that, but also laugh at the silly things you do or say.
    • Share your #stories – tell others what you do, the successes and the challenges. Let others know the emotions you experience – sadness, anger, happiness, and excitement. What frustrates, what boosts you up.

    Be the leader you want to follow.  Know that everything you do, your actions, behaviours, and attitude affects everyone else…

    Ikigai: A Reason for Being

    Are you looking for something more from life?

    I hear from lots of people who want something more. When asked to be specific, they often can’t identify what it is they want. Some people want a new job, some want to own a home of their own, some want better health, and others just don’t have any idea, they just feel something is missing.

    I can’t remember how I came across the work “Ikigai”. That doesn’t matter; I found the word intriguing, so I needed to know more. There is much more to read and learn but just getting started is fascinating and I hope I can help you find “A Reason for Being”.


    Doesn’t this look and sound like a little bit of alright?

    I want to dig a bit deeper and learn more. What is your Reason for Being? Examine the four questions presented in the image: What do you love? What does the world need? What are you good at? What can you be paid for? These four things can help you find your Ikigai. Give these some serious thought and record your thoughts, in whatever form works best for you (writing, audio, video). Take your time and revisit over a period of time.

    What Do You Love?

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    Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

    When you consider what you love, think people, places, activities, pets, food, music, and everything else that enters your life. What do you do that makes you lose track of time?

    I love life, my husband, and my family. I love my dog. There are numerous people I could name that I love. Though I don’t consider myself to have artistic talents I love to sew, knit, garden, paint, draw, and all kinds of crafty type of things. I love games and puzzles, things that challenge my brain.

    I love writing and sharing my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, I just want to write but not necessarily share. Other times I would like to share my thoughts and feelings anonymously – maybe, I need a pseudonym.

    When I think about this category for Ikigai, I think about the things that are important to me. These could be called my values, but they are more than values. I don’t really know how to explain them. Some of them are passions. I know I do have a passion for wanting to help others. That had a lot to do with my becoming a nurse. I sometimes let some of my passions and loves slide and when I do, I soon find I’m not happy. Though I often don’t figure that out for quite some time.

    Knowing what you love and being able to link that to what you are good at can be a real benefit.

    What Are You Good At?

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    Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels.com

    What do you know you are good at and what do others say you are good at? These are your talents, your strengths. Ask others, don’t rely on yourself for this. We often have trouble seeing our own talents and strengths. These do not have to be big items. Some people are excellent cooks or bakers, some are wonderful homemakers, great parents, gardeners, sewers, painters, writers, poets, listeners, or great at organization, or a million other possibilities.

    As you think about what you are good at, think back to your childhood. What are things you used to do that you were good at but that have been put aside for whatever reason? I love gardening, the smell of flowers and the outside, I love the smell of cooking, perfumes, and oodles of other scents. I recently took a course to become an aromatherapy practitioner. I love essential oils and experimenting with blending their scents and creating blends to use for minor health concerns. I love these and I am good at creating them.

    For almost as long as I can remember I have had a superb intuition and when I haven’t paid attention to that little voice inside, I have usually paid the price. Several times in my life I have dabbled in paying more attention to my intuition or developing it to a new level. Like aromatherapy and essential oils, I let it slide. I am working on exploring my spirituality, my feminine being, the witch inside me, and I am loving what I am discovering. And – wow – doesn’t this all go together? I might just have expanded my reason for being.

    What Does the World Need?

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    Photo by Cup of Couple on Pexels.com

    The world needs love, kindness, and caring. These are things I can deliver. My nursing background supports one element of caring with love and kindness. My love of the earth, scents, and creating help me to do what is best for our earth and all the inhabitants.

    Our world, our earth, needs our care. When we live with love, kindness, and caring we are creating a beautiful, sustainable world.

    The world needs peace. As I write that statement what comes to mind is ‘how can there not be peace when we inhale the beautiful fragrances of nature?’

    What do you see the world needing? What of your loves and things are you good at that can benefit the world? Once again, these do not need to be big. The kindness you show to others is something the world needs. If you are a server, you are needed in this world. If you are a parent, this world needs parents. Some of what the world needs can lead to you making money, or you can also choose to volunteer or just be.

    What Can You Be Paid For?

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    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

    I have been paid for being a nurse, and an assistant professor of nursing. Two of my passions – caring and teaching. Now retired from nursing and teaching I continue to share my caring and teaching through my blogs, posts on social media, and life and leadership coaching. I’ve been adding in bits of spirituality and use of essential oils as I coach and talk to people.

    I don’t have a desire to build a huge business. I don’t want to work that hard. But I do want to be of help and make the world a better place, and if I can, make some money to cover my expenses. I have many ideas for sharing my newfound information about essential oils and to have some fun while teaching and helping others to enjoy their life to the fullest.

    The Venn Diagram

    Note the other sections in the Venn diagram above: Passion, Vocation, Profession, Mission. How do these fit into each of the four sections we have just examined? Depending on your stage of life the importance of these might vary. Being a retired, senior I am not looking at my profession and vocation as money-making ventures. But my Passion and Mission in life remain important for me to feel fulfilled.

    I am happy with my life. My life is not perfect, but if nothing changes, I am still pleased, I have a good life. I remain curious, I like to learn, and maybe what I have can be better. Maybe, I can help someone else have a better life.

    Where Are You?

    Do a deep dive into your soul and discover your Reason for Being.

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    Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com

    Give me a shout if I can help you to explore your Reason for Being.

    Mindset and Hope for the Future

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    Photo by Bradley Hook on Pexels.com

    I just finished listening to a HeartMath Podcast and am incredibly impressed by the discussion.

    I am a Certified HeartMath Trainer and Coach, but I need to work at my practice every day. I am far from perfect and way too often forget to practice the self-care I encourage others to practice. Daily self-care involves adequate, quality sleep, good nutrition, and activity as basics. Additionally, self-care involves our emotional health. Unfortunately, we often don’t pay attention to our emotions or to our mental health. Why does this matter? Because our health encompasses mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When one area suffers the others will also suffer.


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    After listening to this Podcast, I was reminded of how important mindset can be. I have just returned from a few days away. We had flown to and from a visit with friends and family. I have been diagnosed with PBC and Sjogren’s, both autoimmune diseases. Among the symptoms of these are extreme fatigue, dry eyes, dry mouth, and much more. With Sjogren’s there is also body pain. The fatigue and pain often flair up because of overdoing activities, or just not paying attention and not eating and resting well. For me if I only do one extra activity per day, such as a medical appointment, or some additional baking or cooking I might be ok. If I have a busy day, such as cooking for company and visiting, I need to take the next day to recover. I do quite well at managing, most of the time, but not always. So, I now ask myself ‘why did I think I could fly one day, spend two days visiting, and spend the next day flying home?’ But I made that decision, and I have learned. I was beating myself up for making this poor decision. The podcast reminded me that rather than beat myself up for this ‘failure’ to remember that it doesn’t matter that I made a poor decision, which is now the past, what matters is what I do next.

    Following the podcast, I reminded myself to use positive words and rather than say, “I suffer with Sjogren’s” to change that and say, “I have been diagnosed with Sjogren’s disease, which reminds me to practice self-care so that I can live the best life I possible”. I was reminded that today I need to give myself the rest I need to recover. This was all a mindset change. At the end of the podcast the listeners are guided through Heart-Focused Breathing. Though I had already meditated earlier, the Heart-Focused Breathing practice made quite a positive difference to my mindset.

    This podcast was just what I needed today. I hope you will listen and be inspired to take care of yourself every day. 🌈 #leadership #work #coaching #podcast #life

    I provide Life and Leadership Coaching via ZOOM if you need a little support to live the life you want.

    A Day: Do You Take Time to Be?

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    Photo by Michaela S. on Pexels.com

    A review of a day in my life points out where I might need to make some changes. I hope you can use this as a template to look at your own life and identify some areas that might need to be adapted. As I try my best to improve my health, to take time for me, to do the things I want to do I have often gotten a sense of overwhelm. As a Certified HeartMath Trainer, retired nurse, and life and leadership coach I know feeling overwhelmed is sign of stress and too much stress is not healthy. So, I decided to look at how a day might be spent. My information below is not complete, because there are many other things I would like to do.

    I have been cancer free for 3 years, this is wonderful, a sigh of relief. I do have a couple of autoimmune diseases that at times cause me extreme fatigue which is usually accompanied by nasty pain in many parts of my body. I need to pay attention to that and make sure I don’t overdo activities, or I am out of commission for several days. I share this with you because I know many people have chronic conditions that limit what can be done in a day.

    I have learned in the last few years the best way to do as much as I want is to set limits. What this means is that I set a usual day and if I am having a flare, I take something off the list, if I am having an awesome day, I add one thing to my list. My past behaviour was do as much I as I could – go all out when I felt good – then just spend a few days recovering – whoops – that was not the best way to do things.

    As I created my basic day and looked at the amount of time I spent on various activities, I began to wonder how the ‘average’ (I hate that word but can’t think of a more appropriate one right now) person manages in a day. What do we need to change to live a healthy, fulfilled life?

    How do you spend your day?

    * DisclaimerI am not providing you with medical advice. I am merely sharing information that I have found, some of my own activities. What is good for one is not necessarily good for everyone. Check with your physician or medical team before introducing exercise routines or changing eating habits. My goal is to help you be the best you can be, with that in mind I share what I learn, I share my experiences, and I hope they will help guide you on a journey to a beautiful life.

    My basic day

    Alarm goes off – before I get out of bed I
    – identify 3-5 things for which I am grateful
    -determine my daily goal
    -do 3-5 slow, deep, focused breaths
    Prepare & eat breakfast, feed the dog30
    Clean up after meal15
    Morning hygiene & make bed30
    Review schedule for the day10
    Answer emails & other communications60
    Meditation (at least once, usually more)10
    Prepare & eat lunch30
    Clean up after meal10
    Get outside for 10 – 20 min.10
    Time with dog (walk, play, brush, pet)30
    Time with husband30
    News – listen, watch, read30
    Prepare & eat dinner60
    Clean up after meal30
    Me time30
    Tidy/clean houst30
    Job (for me 2 hrs. for others 8 hrs)120
    Sub-total625 min = 10 hrs. 35 min.
    Sleep8 hrs.
    Total18 hrs. 35 min.
    Free time for me 5 hrs. 25 min

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    Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

    This is a fairly routine day for me, though some things might not be included, and other things added. Note that I have several free hours to do things I enjoy or to rest. I often require more than 8 hours of sleep due to my autoimmune diseases. Once upon a time I would frequently get only 6 hours of sleep. I now know this was very likely not enough. Many people’s routine day will be much fuller. My work/job is only 2 hours with no travel time. For those who work 8 hours per day, this brings the total of things to do to sixteen hours. So, when do you fit in some of the other things you like to do? Not included are volunteer time, time for getting groceries, going to appointments, housework, and yard work/maintenance. Sometimes I like to have an hour or so to visit my neighbour over coffee or have a family dinner which adds a couple of hours to the day. If you have children add in their activities and chauffeuring.

    Some things in the above are not things we would do every day but are usually included in the activities of a week. This routine is so full there is no time for adding on spontaneous activities, which I believe is important for everyone.

    Assess Your Time

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    Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

    Don’t forget time for sleep; we do need 7-9 hours on average. Without adequate amount and quality of sleep, we will not continue to function, we will get ill. So, let’s add 8 hours which brings us up to over 18 hours in the day. That leaves 6 hours to do all those other things mentioned above (unless you happen to work 8 hours a day and not the 2 hours I work). If you work an 8-hour day you are now 2-hours in the hole. Oops. What do you leave out? Of course, you might not need or even want to do all the things I like to do. There is lots of room for flexibility and adaptation.

    Notice that I have not included any travel time to and from work, or time for shopping. If you have chosen to do your grocery shopping online, you still must include time to place the order, and though you don’t need to travel, remember that the groceries don’t just put themselves away.

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    Photo by Stephen Andrews on Pexels.com

    Some of the times I have identified are minimal. Times with dog, partner, family, exercise, and meditation often take much longer. Consider also that you might be part of groups or committees, you might want to read something for enjoyment, sit and enjoy the outdoors or bask in the warmth of your home without doing – time to just be. These things are important.

    Pay attention to the amount of time you have when you agree to add ‘just this one thing‘ to your ‘to do’ list.

    What things are you doing that drain your mental, emotional, and physical energy? What things are you doing that boost your mental, emotional, and physical energy? What are the activities or non-activities that cause you to lose track of time, which lead you to a state of joy, calm, or even bliss? Are you taking enough time for the positive activities that lift you up?

    How much time are you spending watching tv, being active on social media (chatting, playing games, reading postings, blogs, or listening to podcasts)? Though these activities might be a needed break, or educational, how are they of benefit to you? Are these activities adding value to your life, and how?

    Grandma on her 80th birthday.

    How often do you take time to be? I remember spending time with my grandma when I was a young girl. My grandma was born in 1880, she gave birth to fifteen children. I remember grandma sitting, the radio might have been on, but there was no tv. She would just sit. Obviously, grandma was not lazy, you can’t be lazy when you have that many children on a farm. Sometimes grandma would knit or crochet, this is the way I remember my grandma. I could sit and talk with her or talk to her while I played. I never thought this was out of the ordinary but as I reflect, I don’t know of anyone else who did this. I had a close relationship with grandma, sometimes we would walk the hills in the countryside where she lived or visit neighbours for coffee or tea. What a beautiful, retired life. Do parents or grandparents do that today?

    We have been socialized to feel the need to fill every moment doing. Sometimes that doing is sitting mindlessly in front of the tv or computer. What would happen if you did not turn on either of those items? What if you just sat? Do you remember looking at the clouds and identifying objects such as a rabbit, a ship, or something else? When did you last do that? Would you be comfortable? If not, you might want to learn.

    We become more creative when we give our brains a break, just as our muscles do. Muscles need a break from exercise, we are advised to spread various exercises over several days, to not do the entire body every day, to achieve the best results. Our brains also need breaks and variety to achieve their best results.

    Wrapping Up

    The new moon on 20-February signals a time for new beginnings. What seeds will you plant?

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    Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com

    Many people I coach and talk to want to make changes to their lives. They want something different, new, or something more. It is often difficult for them to figure out what they want, they just know they want something different. Before we can change, we need to know the current situation, we need to measure our current activities, assess the activities, and determine where changes can be made. Sometimes we also need a change in our way of thinking. What do you need?

    If you need some help doing this, give me a shout, we can figure it out together.  

    Finding Bliss,

    Going with the Flow, Happy, Joyful

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    Photo by Manuela Adler on Pexels.com

    Going with the Flow could mean being apathetic and just doing what is easy to make sure you do not make waves and have to deal with challenging situations – not my definition. How about Going with the Flow, meaning going with what is happening and enjoying it to its full extent.

    The definitions of “Going with the Flow” with which I do agree” ‘keeping cool, remaining calm, remaining composed, keeping your head, remaining unruffled, having one’s wits about one, taking it easy, coasting, floating, going with the current’.

    I equate Going with the Flow to Bliss. Bliss is often defined as complete happiness or joy. This is a state that most of us would like to experience.

    “To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.”

    Jill Bolte Taylor

    The Dalai Lama’s, book The Art of Happiness, is worth reading and could aid you in finding bliss. Moraes identifies Bliss as

    “a state of mind that puts us in an ecstatic state of grace”.

    Bliss is not a permanent state, after all, we live in a complex world as humans. We can access bliss by taking time to go within and realize our inner most passions and desires.

    Big Island, 2022 My Paradise

    I experienced a beautiful state of bliss just over a year ago when I stepped off the plane in Hawaii. The state came over me unexpectedly, and I recognized it immediately. I never wanted it to end. I was with my husband, son, and daughter-in-law to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary and renewing of vows. I had left behind the frigid winter weather of home. I felt joy, peace, and just knew that nothing was going to send me into a flap. The feeling is hard to explain – but it is one that I wish could last forever. We have been to Hawaii many times and it is my paradise.

    Of course, I have experienced moments of bliss since that time, but never arriving so unexpectedly and overwhelmingly. I was in a beautiful place of joy, love, happiness, and fulfillment. I was experiencing a beautiful life.

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    Photo by DTS VIDEOS on Pexels.com

    How can this state of bliss be reached more often? Meditation, changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts, gratitude, living your passion, being of service, enjoying the moment and the beauty surrounding you, and learning to accept love and kindness. Each day I thank the universe for my life, for my family, friends, and acquaintances, my home, clean water, enough (too much) food, and a variety of the many good things I have. My life, like the life of most people, is not perfect. We do not live in a perfect world. We do, however, having many wonderful and beautiful things, experiences, and people in our lives and being grateful for all of those is a huge step in achieving a beautiful life full of bliss and wonderment.

    This is a state that requires some work. There was a time when it did not occur to me that reaching such a state might require work or attention: and it was not until I was experiencing some health challenges for which doctors were having trouble diagnosing and treating. Since that time, a journey to explore my spirituality, to learn more about myself and what is important, even vital to my well-being, has led to me feeling the best I have felt in at least 10 years. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I am in a good place. The journey is not complete, it never will be complete. There is always more to learn, more for which to be grateful, and more to enjoy. If you want to learn more about my journey, contact me at drelaine@drelaineleadership.coach

    Spoon Theory

    An Explanation of Chronic Illness and Limited Energy

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    Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

    I came across this article today, Spoon Theory. It is an amazing explanation of how someone, like me, juggles their energy every day. I don’t write this looking for sympathy, but to help you, and myself, understand what it is like to have limited energy. My lack of energy that accompanies my autoimmune disorders has been the toughest thing with which I have had to cope. I have many things I enjoy doing, many things I want to do, and until about 10 years ago I didn’t lack energy.

    Initially I wondered if it was ‘the aging process’. That didn’t make a lot of sense to me as the extreme fatigue seemed to have come about much too rapidly. It took a few years for me to get a diagnosis and I’m not sure that I have completely adjusted to the change in my energy level. I still tend to take on too much at times and get carried away doing the things I love. Of course, I pay for it in the following days.

    I am slowly learning to pay attention to how I spend my energy. How much can I spend in any one day? When I have a bit more energy, I can add one more activity to my day. On not so good days, well – I have to leave something out. There are times when the fatigue hits so suddenly that I am caught off guard. When that happens, I am forced to stop immediately. I still haven’t gotten used to this happening.

    I have included the link to the article and hope you will give it a quick read. It goes a long way to understanding what many people experience every day.

    Fluff!! Leaders Need Soft Skills

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    Photo by Peng Louis on Pexels.com

    As an assistant nursing professor, I would sometimes be asked “why do we need to learn all this ‘fluff’, it has nothing to do with nursing?”

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    Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

    Nurses are in leadership roles all the time. Patients and clients are often in emotionally and physically challenging situations. Nurses work with a plethora of other healthcare professionals, more support people than can be counted, administration, families, and even the media and law enforcement. These are all relationships and relationships require work. The work needed encompasses the soft skills. I want to work for a great leader who has these skills.

    What are the soft skills? Communication, empathy, listening, emotional intelligence, teamwork, self-awareness, adaptability, and caring are just some of the skills considered ‘soft skills’ or ‘fluff’. But how do these skills help a nurse or anyone else be a leader?

    Let’s look at some of these skills individually.

    Communication and Listening

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    Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com

    This is a two-way street with many crossroads. Communication isn’t just talking. Listening is crucial and includes hearing, not just head nodding without knowing what message was being delivered. Being able to listen and discuss differences politely and without judgement helps develop healthy relationships. We don’t all perceive what we see and hear in the same way. Furthermore, we are not always right, nor are we always wrong. Sometimes, there is more to be uncovered and understood.

    Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

    Empathy is sometimes confused with sympathy. They are not the same. Empathy is understanding the feelings of another, think about walking in the shoes of the other person. Understand how you might feel in that situation. Sympathy on the other hand is feeling sorry for the person and the person’s situation, a synonym would be pity. Not all people want you to pity them, but they usually appreciate you understanding how they feel. This understanding involves Emotional Intelligence.

    Emotional Intelligence involves understanding your emotions, and the emotions of others. What triggers emotional reactions, how to respond to your emotions rather than react, and to understand why others might behave the way they do. But it all starts with understanding your emotions. A bit of Self-Awareness.


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    Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

    Know thyself. We have heard that before. What did Socrates mean? Possibly, he was telling us to know our limits, to know we do not know everything. There is always more to learn. We also have blind spots; we do not know what we do not know. We also have biases and beliefs that have come about through our upbringing and don’t necessarily have a foundation and might be incorrect. To be truly self-aware we need to constantly question our thoughts and beliefs, to be forever curious. Being curious and investigating our own thoughts and beliefs and those of others can help us to be caring and adapt to our new truths.

    Caring and Adaptability

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    Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels.com

    I don’t know if caring can be learned. I don’t know if it comes naturally. I am a caring person. However, over time I have become more caring as I have questioned things I was taught. What are your thoughts and beliefs about different races, religions, ethnic customs, or even work ethics? Mine have certainly changed, I have learned more about others, about politics, science, and health. As I have learned I have adapted to the new knowledge. There are a few people who still believe the earth is flat, most of us have adapted our belief to the science suggesting the earth is round. Our truths can change over time.

    It’s a Wrap

    Though all of these, and more, are what I consider essential for any leader, they are also darn good skills for anyone. Consider each of these and imagine a world where these were commonplace. What a different world it would be.

    These skills all need attention. Many people have these skills, to some extent, but they all require attention and further development. I am forever learning more about communication, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and how to demonstrate caring and adapt to the constant changes that happen in life. I am forever grateful to my coaches, guides, spiritual advisors, family, friends, and the wealth of information available through technology and reading. There is no end to learning and self-development.

    Does Positive Self-Talk Really Work?

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    Photo by Jill Burrow on Pexels.com

    Self-Talk: Does it Matter What You Say?

    I certainly didn’t believe in positive self-talk until recently. Furthermore, I don’t lie and so trying to look in the mirror and say “I love you” or “You’re beautiful” just wasn’t going to happen. However, being a curious person, I decided to see what research literature had to say. Guess what, I was wrong. There is some valid evidence that positive self-talk does have benefits.

    I started working on positive self-talk a few years ago when my health was at its lowest point, and I wasn’t sure I was going to survive. I had an autoimmune disease and cancer. But I wasn’t ready to give up, so I needed to smarten up. It wasn’t easy to start, so small things that I believed about myself were where I started. First, I was strong, and I was stubborn. I think being stubborn is positive, though there are synonyms that some people prefer. So, what have I gained from positive self-talk? Lots! I feel better about myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Because I see myself as a positive person and a leader, positive self-talk has helped me be more open in sharing what I have learned during my life without being afraid that I didn’t know enough or wasn’t good enough.

    The literature supports the benefits of self-talk. According to Health Direct, positive self-talk can:

    What You Tell Yourself Is What You Get

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    Photo by Prateek Katyal on Pexels.com

    These all sound good to me. However, positive self-talk takes practice. My autoimmune disorders cause me to be crazy fatigued (I never experienced anything like this in all the years of working shifts and going on 3-4 hours of sleep per night). Now, 12-hours of sleep sometimes doesn’t relieve the fatigue, it is just there no matter what I do. Recently, someone commented when I said I was ‘tired, as usual’. “Well, if you keep telling yourself you are tired, you are going to be tired” was the comment. She was right. I hadn’t thought about what I was telling myself. Our brains can be fooled. If I tell my brain I have the energy I need, I will have the energy I need. Does that mean my fatigue is all in my head? Sort of, maybe. When fatigue hits, and sometimes it hits without warning, I now say to myself, my body needs a rest right now. A positive statement. I have noticed a difference in myself. Though I might still be fatigued more than I would like, I know that I cope better and that I really do have enough energy. Afterall, I decide what is enough.

    Our Brains Believe What They Are Told

    According to Health Direct, “Negative self-talk can make it more difficult to deal with chronic pain. It can also affect a person’s sexual confidence and body image.” Negative self-talk brings you down, can cause stress, and suggests you can be perfect. We are human, perfection is something we might strive to attain, but not something that is realistic in most cases.

    One way I like to think about what I say to myself is to ask if I would say that to a friend, my kids, my grandkids, husband, or anyone I love. In most cases there is no way I would be that mean or rude to someone else. So, why do we think it is ok to talk to ourselves that way? When you say negative things to yourself, start by asking if what you are saying is true. Often what we say is a generalization. When I hurry, I am sometimes clumsy. If I pay attention to what I am doing, and don’t rush, I’m not clumsy. Therefore, stating I am a ‘clumsy oaf’ is not true.

    Choose Your Words Carefully

    Something that I recently learned relates to our choice of words. We tend to make statements such as “I’m sick”, “I’m tired”, “I’m fat” we aren’t any of these. We feel sick, or unwell, or tired, or we have more body fat than is good; but we are not those things. We are not our symptoms. When I keep that in mind, I find it easier to incorporate positive self-talk into my conversations with myself; or at least I find it easier to stop the negative self-talk.

    The Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology published the following article Effects of Self-Talk: A Systematic Review. If positive self-talk works for athletes, it can work for others. Regardless of your current thoughts I suggest you give positive self-talk a try. What can it hurt? I’d be happy to work with you to find the right words and times to build yourself up to be the person you truly are. Uncover the best you!!

    The End Suggests Beginning. What’s Next?

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    Photo by Anastasiya Vragova on Pexels.com

    Whether you make New Year’s Resolutions or set goals for the next month, year, or longer the question remains: What’s Next?

    I am a long-time goal setter, but not much of a New Year’s Resolution person. As I reflect on the past year, and the past 10 years, I have a lot to consider. The events and changes are innumerable.

    We Can Learn from All Situations

    This might not resonate with many, but I learn from watching movies, tv shows, and reading fiction. Of course, I also learn from reading scholarly articles and research, but there is much to learn about people from what is being created for entertainment.

    I am a long-time Coronation Street watcher. One of the things I notice is that every catastrophe that occurs is the result of lies and deception. Imagine that? I don’t think that is much of a surprise to anyone. Other things to watch for: Sometimes the person isn’t what they initially appear to be; there is more than one side to the story; communication is sorely lacking (there is something important to say and small interruptions keep it from being said – so frustrating), and we see all a variety of leadership styles, we see these same things in daily life.

    Over the last several years I have learned a great deal.

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    Photo by Egor Kamelev on Pexels.com
    1. Your past does not equal your future.
    2. You can have a beautiful life despite some chronic health conditions.
    3. You are good enough.
    4. You are never too old to learn new stuff.
    5. Though I have always known change is inevitable, we control our change and our life. (That isn’t as nasty or mean as I once thought – I did not decide to have health challenges – well, not intentionally, but in retrospect I see why some of them have occurred).
    6. If you are only as old as you feel – decide what age you want to be and feel that age.
    7. It is possible to have a beautiful life.

    I have an almost insane number of things that I want to investigate further. Thoughts that require exploration, ideas to be pursued in numerous ways, and actions that I feel obligated to pursue, for my own satisfaction.

    The Future

    My ‘what next’ requires I give some thought to my priorities. Age and health mean I must think about the timelines for what I want to accomplish, where I want to go, and what I want to do. Though I know I need to not do ‘too much’, whatever that is, I know it means that I have to pace myself carefully to maintain my health. Without my health, I will not be able to do anything. My health is important to me because I value my family. If I don’t want to burden my family and want to have good times with them, I need to look after myself.

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    Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

    Supporting my teaching of the importance of self-care, I need to make a concerted effort to put that into practice. I’ve gotten better at self-care, but I am easily led astray by my active mind. One more thing won’t be difficult, won’t add to my fatigue. But of course, there is always one more thing.

    What’s Next

    What next? For me it is to re-examine my values, desires, goals, and then set priorities. Will these be New Year’s Resolutions? No! They will be a game plan for the next 3, 6, 12 months, or maybe the next 5 years. Focus and priority is high on my list of immediate things to do. Before leading others, I must successfully lead myself. What is next for you?


    Essential Oils for Personal Use

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    Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com
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    Photo by Matteo Badini on Pexels.com

    I have many memories associated with a variety of scents and aromas. So, it is not surprising that I decided to take an aromatherapy course and become an Aromatherapy Practitioner. Smells bring back many pleasant memories.

    Are there scents that remind you of special people or occasions? I remember how my grandma and my mom smelled, I loved them both and when I come across those smells the memories are pleasant and precious. The first perfume my husband gave me early in our relationship is a scent I still love. The smell of logs burning in the fireplace makes me feel warm and cozy, and a bit like I’m in a fairy tale world or romantic story. A walk in the forest results in a calm, serene state, and reminds me of early mornings camping with my girlfriend and her parents when we were in our teens – super great memories.

    There are also memories I have of odours I experienced as a nurse. I learned what certain odours suggested, some not so nice. But being able to identify some odours could help in diagnosing specific infections and medical problems. The smells of some medicines also bring back a variety of childhood memories – Buckley’s White Rub when I had another bout of strep throat and chest infection.

    With this great interest in aromas, it is no wonder that I have been drawn to essential oils for a long time. Several years ago, I took a course that I enjoyed very much. Since then, I have used many oils and made occasional products for myself, family, and friends. Then a few months ago I embarked on an Aromatherapy Practitioner Course. The course was excellent, and I have learned a great deal. But there is still so much to learn. Dabbling with a wide variety of oils has been great fun: I love combining and experimenting.

    Both courses have stressed the importance of getting quality oils. They can seem to be expensive, but so little is needed, and I get such pleasure, and benefit from them that I don’t mind. Now to share with you some information about using essential oil, some of my favourite oils and their uses.

    Get Started with Essential Oils

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    Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com

    As you start using essential oils, keep the following guidelines in mind:

    • Follow any label and packaging instructions.
    • Determine the specific uses and benefits of the oil you intend to use. Product Information Pages and shop pages are great sources of information.

    How to Apply Essential Oils

    There are three ways to use essential oils:

    Through smellAromatic use of essential oils includes any application method that helps you experience the aroma of the oil. You can use essential oils aromatically by:

    -Diffusing in an essential oil diffuser

    -Applying a drop to your hands and inhaling

    -Wearing as a personal fragrance

    On your skin. Topical application of essential oils allows the oil to absorb into the skin. You can use essential oils on your skin by:

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    Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

    -Incorporating them into a massage

    -Applying to targeted areas

    -Adding to lotions or moisturizers

    By Ingesting. Internal use of certain essential oils can be beneficial to the body and add unique flavours to dishes and beverages. *First, make sure the essential oil is safe for internal use, and then try taking essential oils internally by using one of these methods:

    -Add to a glass of water, milk, or juice, or to a favorite tea or smoothie

    -Include in recipes

    -Take in a veggie capsule

    -Put a drop under your tongue

    Here are the 10 most popular doTERRA Canada essential oils:

    Frankincense essential oil: Called the “king of oils,” Frankincense is one of the most prized and precious essential oils. For centuries, Frankincense has been used for its beautifying characteristics—particularly for rejuvenating the appearance of skin and promoting an atmosphere of relaxation. When used topically, Frankincense can help soothe and moisturize dry skin, promote a clear complexion, and can help maintain healthy-looking fingernails.

    Lavender essential oil: Lavender oil has been cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. The ancient Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, cooking, and as a perfume. Today, Lavender is a must-have oil because of its rich, versatile uses. Topically, Lavender oil has a cooling and soothing effect and can improve the look of healthy skin. Aromatically, Lavender produces a powdery, floral scent famed for relaxing qualities.

    Copaiba essential oil: Copaiba has a calming, woody aroma. Copaiba has a thick, soft consistency and is soothing to the skin. Copaiba is widely used to improve the appearance of skin.

    Lemon essential oil: Cold pressed from the peels of the bright, yellow lemon fruit, it is a favourite because of its versatility. Lemon oil is frequently added to food to enhance the flavour of desserts and main dishes. When added to water, Lemon oil gives a bright taste that helps encourage hydration throughout the day. Lemon can be used as a naturally sourced cleaning agent in the home or diffused to brighten a room with its invigorating aroma.

    Wild Orange essential oil: Wild Orange amplifies the sweet, citrus aroma and taste of orange. An uplifting and refreshing aroma, Wild Orange enhances any essential oil blend as a bright, refreshing addition and is a naturally sourced cleansing agent.

    Peppermint essential oil: Peppermint oil has a wide range of benefits from freshening breath to its energizing aroma. Peppermint essential oil is always useful to have handy.

    Tea Tree essential oil: The Aborigines of Australia used the leaves of the Melaleuca tree for centuries. The oil promotes feelings of clear breathing. This makes Tea Tree ideal for using in aromatherapy to relieve coughs and colds.

    Ginger essential oil: Ginger has a hot, spicy flavour that can take the place of whole ginger in recipes or add a warm, sweet taste when added to your favourite herbal tea. Ginger oil can also be applied topically or inhaled for a soothing aroma.

    Grapefruit essential oil: Known for its energizing and invigorating aroma, Grapefruit oil helps create an aromatically uplifting environment. Grapefruit essential oil is also renowned for its cleansing properties and is frequently used in skin care to promote the appearance of clear, healthy-looking skin.

    Eucalyptus essential oil: Eucalyptus is a refreshing, airy aroma, with topical cleansing benefits. The invigorating qualities of Eucalyptus oil can be enjoyed by rubbing a drop between your hands or adding several drops to the bottom of the shower and inhaling the energizing, earthy aroma. When applied topically, Eucalyptus oil can provide a cooling sensation and helps to clean and revitalize the look of healthy skin, especially when used during a personal massage.

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    Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

    The following are some oils I like and use quite often:

    Bergamot: Bergamot essential oil has a calming yet uplifting aroma and is packed full of cleansing properties. Sweet yet bitter in taste, soothing yet joyful in scent, and delicate yet strong in nature, Bergamot oil is a delightful contradiction in the citrus world.

    Capsicum: Capsicum is commonly used for nerve pain and other painful conditions. It is also used for many other purposes, including digestion problems, conditions of the heart and blood vessels, and many others.

    Clary Sage: Clary Sage oil is known for its calming properties and benefits to the skin. The main chemical component is linalyl acetate, part of the esters group, making it one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils. In the Middle Ages, the Clary Sage plant was frequently used to soothe skin. Inhaling Clary Sage essential oil adds to a relaxing environment, and internal use promotes a restful night’s sleep*.

    Wintergreen: The main chemical component in Wintergreen oil, methyl salicylate, is used in topical creams and massage blends because of its soothing properties. In fact, Wintergreen and Birch are the only plants in the world that contain methyl salicylate naturally. As a flavoring, small amounts of Wintergreen oil are used in candies, toothpaste, and chewing gum. When diffused, Wintergreen oil has a refreshing aroma that’s uplifting and stimulating.

    The following information is taken from doTerra website.

    If you have specific concerns about the essential oil you intend to use, consult with a healthcare professional first.

    I will share more information about essential oils and aromatherapy as time passes.

    How does this align with leadership? Anything that brings pleasure, calmness, and good feelings are important for leaders to understand as they work to build teams, provide support and guidance, and encourage both personal and professional development.

    Just Breathe! The Source of Life

    Breathing Comes Naturally, Or Does It?

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    Photo by Eva Bronzini on Pexels.com

    You’re nervous about an upcoming presentation and someone says, “just breathe”.

    You’re angry and upset, about to say something nasty and you remember someone telling you to take a deep breath before speaking out.

    Breathing does so much more than merely keeping us alive. And though we don’t have to think about breathing, if we do, we might make some interesting discoveries. We only tend to think about breathing when we are having trouble. A cold virus or sinus problems often affect our breathing. COVID certainly brought more attention to breathing. And though we think breathing happens all on its own we can control how we breathe. There are people who do Breath Hold Diving who can hold their breath for up to 10 minutes. And there are other people who find themselves holding their breath without having intended to do so.

    Do You Have Breathing Problems?

    You might have respiratory problems such as Asthma, Allergies, COPD, or others. You might also have sleep problems related to breathing. Do you experience any of these: 1.) you wake up at night gasping for air? 2.) snoring? 3.) have sleep apnea? All of these affect your sleep quality, and in turn your energy, ability to concentrate, your blood pressure, and much more. These too, are about breathing. Though we breathe naturally, we often could do better if we were to take a few minutes and think about our breathing. Breathing is natural and everyone knows how to breathe. Well, these are only ‘sort of’ true. We often don’t breathe as well as we could to get the full benefits of our breath.

    Focus on Breathing

    In one day, you will take approximately 23,000 breaths. Make sure you are getting the most from each breath. We have learned that 4-minutes without breathing can cause permanent brain damage, and 6-minutes can cause death. Breathing is important. Maybe we would benefit by paying a bit more attention to breathing.

    Take a minute and count your breaths. Don’t change how you breathe, just count the number of breaths in a minute. At rest I took 7 breaths a minute. These weren’t deep breaths, only regular breaths. The ‘normal’ respiratory rate for adults is 12 to 16 breaths per minute. Now try a little breathing exercise (if you have any health problems or concerns check with your doctor before doing any breathing work).

    1. Make yourself comfortable, preferably sitting up straight. Make sure there are no clothes restricting the movement of your neck, chest, or abdomen.
    2. Focus your attention on your chest/heart area. It might help to place your hand on your chest.
    3. Take a breath that is a little deeper and slower than usual. Breathe at a rate that is comfortable for you.
    4. Repeat 4 or 5 times.
    5. How do you feel?

    Many people report feeling calmer. Why does this happen? The simple explanation, the change you feel is related to your nervous system. You’ve heard of the ‘fight or flight’ response that happens when you are stressed or in danger. It doesn’t matter if the danger is a lion chasing you, driving your car in winter conditions, or having to give a speech your body goes into ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response, (the freeze has been added in more recent years) this the Sympathetic Nervous System at work. When in ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ mode your breathing will become shallower, your blood pressure will increase, your digestion will slow down, and you might notice tension in your shoulders.

    To counter the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS), you want the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) to activate. The PNS, the rest and digest system will help you relax and put your body in a state of calm. This is where your breathing comes into play. Some focused, controlled breathing will help to activate the PNS. Find a breathing routine that works for you. Start slow and simple with a few slow deep breaths. Focus on including the abdomen to ensure you are taking deep breaths.

    Learn more about breathing and some breathing techniques in my Learning to Breathe blog.

    According to Deepak Chopra’s information, there are numerous benefits related to breathwork:

    • helps relieve physical, mental, and/or emotional tension
    • causes activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which then slows down your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure and thus causing a sense of calm
    • helps reverse the effects of cortisol and adrenalin (released during stress) and relaxes the body
    • deep breathing can help you slow down the monkeys busy in your brain
    • helps you reach a deeper state of mind; calms the mind and helps you focus
    • helps you attain inner peace and awareness

    Practice breathing techniques several times a day until it because a normal part of your daily routine. Set regular times such as when you first get out of bed, during your drive to and from work, before a meeting, before and after any stressful event. The more you practice the greater your benefit.

    During this time of parties, shopping, and family get togethers a little extra focus on breathing to calm and relax yourself can be of great benefit. A little breath work can help you enjoy this busy Christmas and festive season.

    Gut and Brain, Heart and Brain

    There is so much more to our bodies than we know.

    Keep Learning

    I know about the Heart and Brain connection as I am a Certified HeartMath (TM) Trainer (though there is always more to learn). Check my blog about the Heart Brain Connection. I know a little about the Gut and Brain connection, but there is a lot more to learn. A friend and colleague sent me an interesting article about some research that was done at the University of Lethbridge. The information is easy to understand and makes sense. I hope everyone will read this article.

    They All Work Together

    Cartoon human organs set with liver heart stomach brain kidneys lungs intestines spleen female reproductive system isolated vector illustration

    What Will You Do Next?

    I continue to share what I learn and encourage everyone to investigate the universal connection among us all. Nothing exists in isolation. What happens to one is the result of something and is spread to someone or something. Keep that in mind as you make decisions. Keep that in mind about your behaviour. Keep that in mind with the words you choose. You have much more power than you know, and you can control more than you ever expected.

    Whether you investigate the physiological connections among our body systems, or the spiritual connections among everything in the universe, I encourage your next steps to include learning and bettering yourself.

    Journey to Joy and Calm

    Join me Monday, 5-December-2022 evening 6:00pm to 7:00 pm MDT

    This course will run for 6 Mondays: December 5, 12, 19 and January 9, 16, 23 – 2023.

    Week 1: 5-December-2022: Introduction: Getting to Know Yourself

    In this first week we will learn about ourselves. We will discuss and practice Meditation, Body Scan, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Heart-Focused Breathing so you can determine what will benefit you.

    Week 2: 12-December-2022: Building Self-esteem and Confidence

    Why do we have trouble with self-esteem and self-confidence? We will identify what gets in our way and how to overcome these obstacles.

    Week 3: 19-December-2022: Resiliency

    During this week we will discuss the definition of resiliency: Why resilience is important: And, how to build resiliency.

    Week 4: 9-January-2023: Decrease Your Stress and Increase Your Energy

    We can’t get rid of stress, but we can control many stressors and learn how to respond rather than react to our emotions. We will learn techniques to decrease stress and increase energy.

    Week 5: 16-January-2023: Success

    What is success? What do you need to be successful? We will address these questions and discuss the big picture of success.

    Week 6: 23-January-2023: Being in the Zone/Flow and Wrap Up

    What does it mean to be “In the Zone” or “In Flow”? We will discuss these terms and how to achieve them. Then we will wrap up the program discussing your next steps.